Север и рынок. 2022, № 2.

СЕВЕР И РЫНОК: формирование экономического порядка. 2022. № 2. С. 69-81. Sever i rynok: formirovanie ekonomicheskogo poryadka [The North and the Market: Forming the Economic Order], 2022, no. 2, pp. 69-81. СТРАТЕГИЧЕСКОЕ УПРАВЛЕНИЕ РЕГИОНАМИ ИАРКТИЧЕСКАЯ ПОЛИТИКА have been reduced, which is fixed by law. There was a gradual rejection of the recognition of the North as a special object of state policy and management, which is fixed by the absence of a specialized normatively fixed policy in relation to the North as a single territory. As a result, the outflow of the population continued in almost all Polar regions. The third stage of the transformational Arctic policy (from 2010 to the present time) can be called "Arctic-zonal". The necessity of taking into account the North specifics in regional policy has been replaced by the policy of developing of the Russian Federation's Arctic zone — a small part of the total District of the North. We recall that in 2008, the President of the Russian Federation approved the "Fundamentals of the State Policy of the Russian Federation in the Arctic for the Period until 2020" and in 2013 the "Strategy for the Development of the Arctic Zone of the Russian Federation and Ensuring National Security for the Period until 2020" was approved as well. It is significant that the government program ofthe Russian Federation "Regional policy and federal relations", approved in 2013, no longer contains the term "North", focusing only on the Russian Arctic. An active rule-making process of the formation of specialized normative legal acts concerning various aspects of the management of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation continues at present. As a whole, the focus on the Russian Arctic as a special object of the state policy and alignment of the policy with the world's circumpolar countries' policy have had a positive impact on the Russian Arctic's regions. Impulse of the investment processes has resulted in the development of new deposits, production, and infrastructure and has ensured preservation of scientific organizations and the higher education system, which has slowed down the Arctic regions' population loss by migration. One of the results of the realization of the "Arctic-zonal" stage of the transformational Arctic policy is the population's stabilization of the Polar regions. The population of the Nenets and Chukotka Autonomous Districts, with insignificant fluctuations, stabilized. In the Nenets Autonomous District at the level of 44 thousand people and in the Chukotka Autonomous District — 50 thousand people. In the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous District, since 2010, the population has grown by 24 thousand people, or by 4,6 %. In recent years in all Polar regions, with the exception of the Murmansk region, there has been a steady natural increase: the birth rate exceeds the death rate, which also contributes to the population's stabilization. On the contrary, the Murmansk region continues to lose population, and at a rather high rate: 62 thousand people for the period from 2010 to 2021 i. e. about 7,8 %. The authors have carried out the research of the population's migration attitudes in the Murmansk region (Table 1). Table 1 Distribution of answers about migration sentiments given by Murmansk region residents (the authors' calculations [27]) Answer variants Men Women 18-29, % 30-49, % 50-64, % 65+, % 18-29, % 30-49, % 50-64, % 65+, % No, they have not changed, I am going to live and work here 46,6 50,7 54,9 71,0 41,8 40,0 58,0 67,0 They have rather changed; I am thinking about moving house to more convenient climatic conditions 21,2 27,8 18,8 9,7 30,6 40,8 20,2 12,5 Surely, they have changed, and I havealreadyfound a newjob and place of residence 15,3 9,5 4,9 0,0 11,2 6,5 5,2 4,5 I have difficulty answering 16,9 12,0 21,5 19,4 16,3 12,7 16,6 16,1 As can be seen from the survey results, many residents have plans to migrate. Our research shows that an increase in the retirement age has accelerated and intensified migration processes [27]. Notably, the strongest migration sentiments are manifested by the most economically active population group — young people and citizens aged under 49. Environmental aspects o f Russian national Arctic policy A negative factor of socio-economic transformations is anthropogenic impact, which is the reason for the vulnerability of the environment of the Polar regions due to climatic features. At the same time, the transboundary transfer of pollutants and the global importance of Polar ecosystems predetermine the need for international cooperation on rational use of natural resources and environmental protection. The authors have studied the package of documents on the ecology aspects of the Russian Arctic. They have found that the Russian Federation pays special attention to environmental problems of the Arctic. So, maximum preservation of the unique environmental systems of the Arctic is believed to be one of the pillars of Russia's national interests. The State Program "Social and economic development of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation" stipulates environmental principles in all its three subprograms. It has been demonstrated that lack of specialized legislation clearly regulating rational management of nature and protection of both aquatic and land Districts of the Arctic is a flaw. © Скуфьина Т. П., Баранов С. В., Самарина В. П., Самарин А. В., 2022 75