Север и рынок. 2022, № 2.

СЕВЕР И РЫНОК: формирование экономического порядка. 2022. № 2. С. 69-81. Sever i rynok: formirovanie ekonomicheskogo poryadka [The North and the Market: Forming the Economic Order], 2022, no. 2, pp. 69-81. СТРАТЕГИЧЕСКОЕ УПРАВЛЕНИЕ РЕГИОНАМИ ИАРКТИЧЕСКАЯ ПОЛИТИКА In Russia, modern research are currently in the condition of an immense and diverse bank of information, incorporating the following. First, there is the USSR's theoretical and scientific and practical head start in the theory of management, policy, economy of reclaiming and rendering Districts of the North and its Arctic constituent habitable. Next, there are modern developments generating quite controversial ideas of the Russian scientists about prospects, priorities, and policy concerning Polar regions. Finally, the said information includes foreign research oriented mainly to forming the factors of sustainable development for particular Polar regions, with environmental policy aspects discussed individually [12, 15, 16, 18-21]. Institutional research make up the most significant group of the world's research works discussing Arctic policies [10-12, 16, 22, 23]. In these research, they formulate general theses of management and geopolitics concerning the priorities of maintaining geopolitical stability, declarations of responding to the climatic change challenges, ensuring the international cooperation, and the demand for scientific support of social and economic processes in the Arctic. Nevertheless, these theses get broken against the "political inability", as termed by Lassi Heininen [24, p. 195]. The essence of this "political inability" consists in Arctic politics being insufficient every time a compromise is needed between the requirements of ecology and economy, between ones of sustainable development of the cross-border region and countries' own tasks of the national development, etc. The authors believe this "political inability" to be rooted in the objective controversies of the development of the Arctic for which the modern economic theory cannot find any solution. So, the research allow stating that it is two controversies being difficult to resolve within the capitalist formation that are the most relevant for the Russian Arctic. The first one is the clash between real-life social processes that ensure the effect of extra costs of the economy and social sphere in the Arctic (as it curbs development) and the necessity of ensuring the economic development (for replenishing Russia's budget) and social development (for the necessary synchronization with the worldwide processes) of the Russian Arctic [25-28]. During the USSR period - - the time when the social and economic space of Russia's North underwent qualitative transformation — the problem was solved with the opportunities granted by the socialist formation and the effects of the USSR's domestic economy being closed. The Soviet-model socialist formation enabled the management to focus immense resources of all kinds for solving the strategic program tasks, while the closed nature of the home economy partially leveled out the problem of extra costs, with all effects belonging to the state only. Meanwhile, in the current paradigm, the management goes on working in the reality of the "Northern appreciation", with severe climatic conditions pushing out both business and the population, but it has no opportunity to appropriate all positive effects of functioning of Russia's Polar regions [4, 13, 18, 19, 29]. The second controversy consists in the fact that extra costs of running a business based on mineral products mining in the Arctic conditions dictate higher requirements for predictability and stability of the environment. This contradicts the reality that prices for the main export products of the Russian Arctic (gas, oil, metals, and products of processing thereof) are changeable and hard to forecast, and sanctions have a disequilibrating effect on the economy of Russia [16, 30]. All the above and many other aspects determine the authors' own view on the range of problems of forming the contemporary state policy and the relevant transformations in Russia's Polar regions. The objective of the research is to find out in the temporal dynamics specific aspects of the influence of the national Arctic policy on the socio-economic transformations of Russian Polar regions. Objectives: - to analyze the change of the Russia's Polar regions' population as an inductor of the effectiveness of the national Arctic policy; - to identify the environmental aspects of the Russian national Arctic policy; - to assess the relationship between the indicators characterizing the socio-economic transformations of Russia's Polar regions; - on the basis of the research, to identify trends in the national Arctic policy that determine the socio-economic transformations of Russia's Polar regions. The scientific novelty of this result is seen in the integrated diagnosing of transformation changes which is pegged to the declared policy and the regulatory and legal framework governing the processes in the Russian Arctic. Also the scientific novelty of this result is determined by making more precise the ideas about policy and internal factors affecting real-life transformation processes of the development of the Russian Arctic. The key question here is whether policy determines real social and economic transformations of Russia's Polar regions in fact, and if it does, to what extent. Materials and methods The objects of the research are the Polar regions, by which we mean in this research the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the territories of which, as of 2021, are completely located in the Arctic zone: the Murmansk Region, the Nenets, Yamal-Nenets and Chukotka Autonomous Districts. © Скуфьина Т. П., Баранов С. В., Самарина В. П., Самарин А. В., 2022 71