Север и рынок. 2020, № 4

PhD (Economics), Senior Researcher Institute of Socio-Economic and Energy Problems o f the North, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Syktyvkar THE POTENTIAL OF A STRATEGIC ALTERNATIVE OF THE FORESTRY SECTOR DEVELOPMENT IN THE REPUBLIC OF KOMI Abstract. The purpose of the work is to analyze the potential of a strategic alternative for development of the forestry sector of the Komi Republic. The main tasks are identifying barriers and directions for development of the regional forestry industry. The study shows that in the forestry sector of the Komi Republic, projects are being implemented that are included in the federal list o f priority investment projects in the field of forestry development in Russia. But despite the modernization of existing enterprises and creation of new ones, the commodity structure of the sector remains conservative with a predominance o f wood and paper products of low and medium processing levels. The technological level o f production development remains insufficient, the share of innovative products with high value added is significantly inferior to countries with developed forest industries. At the same time, alternatives to development prospects of production are poorly studied issues of the forestry sector of the Komi Republic. This provision required a study o f global trends in the development of the forest industry and determination of barriers preventing functioning of the forestry sector of the Komi Republic. As a result, the following is identified: technological backwardness of production; depletion of commercial timber stocks; poor development of the forest infrastructure; insufficient overall efficiency of the region's forestry sector. The main directions of overcoming the existing barriers include: increasing production volume of innovative products of the first generation at operating enterprises; organization of new productions of innovative forest products of the first and second generation in forest-supplied regions o f the Komi Republic; development of a woodworking territorial cluster of small and medium-sized enterprises; introduction of innovative approaches to transporting timber from remote forest areas with poor transport accessibility and reforestation. Thus, the obtained data are of great practical importance for managing the development of the regional forestry sector. Keywords: forestry sector, efficiency, development prospects, innovations, region. Введение В Республике Коми леса имеют важное промышленное и реакреационное значение. Регион занимает 1-е место по запасам и возможному объему заготовки древесины среди всех субъектов европейской части России и аккумулирует существенные объемы недревесных ресурсов. Характеристика лесов Республики Коми, 2018 г. Площадь лесов Республики Коми, млн га 38,9 Лесистость территории, % 93,4 Площадь лесов на одного жителя, тыс. га 46,3 Расчетная лесосека, млн м3 33,8 Освоение допустимого объема заготовки, % 23,7 Запасы древесины, м3/га 76,1 Ежегодный прирост, м3/га 8,24 Лесозаготовка, млн м3 8,3 Запасы ягод, тыс. т 514,4 Запасы грибов, тыс. т 78,0 Запасы живицы, т 2375,0 Запасы лекарственных растений, т 4460,7 Охраняемые природные территории, млн га 2,6 Доля отгруженной промышленной продукции, % 11,6 Число занятых в лесном комплексе, тыс. чел. 12,4 Потребление древесины на 1жителя региона, м3 0,7 Вопросы функционирования лесного комплекса (ЛК) России и зарубежных стран освещены в работах С. Б. Авдашевой [1], Д. Aдамса [2], Ю. Д. Алашкевича [3], И. А. Буданова [4], Н. А. Бурдина [5], Б. В. Кузнецова [6], Д. Ламберга [7], Ф. Н. Морозова [8], Л. А. Стрижковой [9], Р. Хруберса [10], Д. Цванга [11] и др. 140