Север и рынок. 2016, N 4.
36. Tsukerman V. A., Gorjachevskaja E. S. Osnovnye problemy i rekomendacii po zakonodatel'nomu obespecheniju innovacionnogo promyshlennogo razvitija regionov Severa [Key issues and recommendations for legislative support of innovative industrial development of the northern regions]. Sever i rynok: formirovanie jekonomicheskogo porjadka [North and Market: Formation o f Economic Order], 2009, no. 1 (22), pp. 76-80. (In Russ.). 37. Tsukerman V. A. Innovacionnoe promyshlennoe razvitie kak osnova kompleksnogo upravlenija jekonomikoj Arkticheskoj zony Rossijskoj Federacii [Innovative industrial development as a basis for the integrated management of the economy of the Russian Arctic]. Sever i rynok: formirovanie jekonomicheskogo porjadka [North and Market: Formation of Economic Order], 2016, no. 2, pp. 94-105. (In Russ.). 38. Tsukerman V. A. O strategii innovacionnogo razvitija regionov Severa, svjazannyh s osvoeniem morskih resursov [On the strategy o f innovative development of the northern regions associated with the development o f marine resources]. Sever i rynok: formirovanie jekonomicheskogo porjadka [North and Market: Formation o f Economic Order], 2011, no. 2 (28), pp. 69-72. (In Russ.). 39. Selin V. S. Mehanizm promyshlennoj innovacionnoj politiki v territorial'nyh sistemah [The mechanism of industrial innovation policy in the territorial systems]. Sever i rynok: formirovanie jekonomicheskogo porjadka [North and Market: Formation o f Economic Order], 2012, no. 1(29), pp. 26-30. (In Russ.). 40. Selin I. V. Upravlenie korporirovannym promyshlennym predprijatiem s primeneniem mehanizma soglasovanija interesov [Management: corporate industrial enterprise with the use o f a mechanism for coordinating interests]. Apatity, KNC RAS, 2010, 201 p. 41. Tsukerman V. A., Kozlov A. A. Soglasovanie gosudarstvennoj i korporativnoj innovacionnoj politiki v sfere promyshlennogo autsorsinga Rossijskoj Arktiki [Coordination of state and corporate innovation policy in the field of industrial outsourcing o f the Russian Arctic]. Jekonomika v promyshlennosti [Economy in the Industry], 2015, no. 3, pp. 26-29. (In Russ.). 42. Selin V. S., Selin V. I., Tsukerman V. A. Teoreticheskie osnovy soglasovanija interesov v innovacionnoj promyshlennoj politike regionov Rossijskoj Arktiki [Theoretical basis o f the coordination o f interests in innovative industrial policy o f the Russian Arctic regions]. Jekonomika v promyshlennosti [Economy in the Industry], 2015, no. 3, pp. 47-53. (In Russ.). 43. Tsukerman V. A. Ispol'zovanie mirovogo opyta realizacii programm innovacionnogo razvitija dlja jekonomiki Severa [Using the world experience to implement the innovative development programs for the economy o f the North]. 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Materialy XXIII Kievskogo mezhdunarodnogo simpoziuma po naukovedeniju i nauchno-tehnicheskomu prognozirovaniju “Aktual'nye problemy nauchno-tehnologicheskoj i innovacionnoj politiki v kontekste formirovanija obshheevropejskogo nauchnogo prostranstva: opyt i perspektivy” (Kiev, 16-17 ijunja 2010) [Proceedings of the 23rd Kiev International Symposium on Science of Science and Scientific and Technological Forecasting “Actual Problems of Science and Technology and Innovation Policies in the Context of the Formation of a pan-European Research Area: Experience and Prospects”]. Kiev, Feniks, 2010, pp. 243-245. (In Russ.). 46. Gorjachevskaja E. S., Tsukerman V. A. Infrastruktura regional'nyh innovacionnyh sistem kak osnova social'no-jekonomicheskogo razvitija Severa [The infrastructure o f regional innovation systems as a basis for socio-economic development o f the North]. Regional'nye innovacionnye sistemy: analiz i prognozirovanie dinamiki: materialy shestnadcatyh Drukerovskih chtenij [Regional Innovation Systems: Analysis and Forecasting o f Dynamics: Materials o f the Sixteen Drukerovskih Readings]. Novocherkassk, JuRGPU (NPI), 2013, pp. 108-116. (In Russ.). 47. [Men'shih N. G.|, Tsukerman V. A. Chelovecheskij kapital kak faktor ustojchivogo innovacionnogo razvitija jekonomiki Severa i Arktiki [Human capital as a factor o f sustainable innovation development of the North and the Arctic economy]. Vestnik Kostromskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta im. N. A. Nekrasova [Journal of the N. A. Nekrasov Kostroma State University], 2013, no. 4, pp. 74-80. (In Russ.). 72
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