Север и рынок. 2016, N 4.

24. Tsukerman V. A., Gorjachevskaja E. S. Innovacionnye podhody k osvoeniju mineral'no-syr'evyh resursov i zhizneobespecheniju regionov Severa i Arktiki [Innovative approaches to the development o f mineral resources and the livelihoods o f the regions o f the North and the Arctic]. Nacional'nye interesy: prioritety i bezopasnost' [National Interests: Priorities and Security], 2010, no. 32 (89), pp. 39-43. (In Russ.). 25. Tsukerman V. A., Gorjachevskaja E. S. Ob organizacionno-jekonomicheskom mehanizme dobychi i pererabotki mineral'nyh resursov Rossijskoj Arktiki [On the organizational and economic mechanism of production and processing of mineral resources in the Russian Arctic]. Restrukturizacija jekonomiki i inzhenernoe obrazovanie: problemy i perspektivy razvitija: sbornik trudov nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii s mezhdunarodnym uchastiem [Restructuring o f Economy and Engineering Education: Problems and Prospects: Proceedings of scientific-practical conference with international participation]. Saint-Petersburg, Publ. Politehn. Un-ta, 2015, pp. 397-406. (In Russ.). 26. Selin V. S., Tsukerman V. A. Rol' arkticheskih resursnyh korporacij v innovacionnyh processah i importozameshhenii [The role of the Arctic resource corporations in innovative processes and import substitution]. MIR (Modernizacija. Innovacii. Razvitie) [MID (Modernization. Innovation. Development)], 2015, vol. 6, no. 4-1 (24), pp. 35-42. (In Russ.). 27. Tsukerman V. A. Problemy importozameshhenija v innovacionnom promyshlennom razvitii Arkticheskoj zony Rossijskoj Federacii [Issues o f import substitution in the innovative industrial development of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation]. Sever i rynok: formirovanie jekonomicheskogo porjadka [North and Market: Formation o f Economic Order], 2016, no. 1 (48), pp. 79-87. (In Russ.). 28. Tsukerman V. A. Promyshlennaja, investicionnaja i innovacionnaja politika: Jenciklopedicheskij slovar' [Industry, Investment and Innovation Policy: Collegiate Dictionary]. Apatity, KNC RAN, 2009, 181 p. 29. Tsukerman V. A. Na puti k vysokotehnologicheskomu razvitiju jekonomiki Severa i Arkticheskoj zony RF [On the way to the highly technological development of the economy o f the North and the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation]. Kondrat'evskie volny: dlinnye i srednesrochnye cikly: ezhegodnik [Kondratieff waves: long and medium-term cycles: Yearbook]. Volgograd, Uchitel', 2014, pp. 331-342. (In Russ.). 30. Tsukerman V. A. Nauchnye issledovanija Rossijskoj Arktiki — osnova modernizacii jekonomiki Rossii [Research o f the Russian Arctic — the basis of the Russian economy modernization]. Nauchnoe obozrenie [Scientific Review], 2015, no. 10, pp. 298-303. (In Russ.). 31.Kalinnikov V. T., Luzin G. P., Nikolaev A. I., Tsukerman V. A. Koncepcija sozdanija proizvodstva titana i produktov na ego osnove kak faktor ustojchivogo razvitija Severa i osnovnoj syr'evoj bazy Rossii [The concept of creating and producing titanium products based on it as a factor of sustainable development o f the North and the main raw material base o f Russia]. Himija v interesah ustojchivogo razvitija [Chemistry for Sustainable Development], 1997, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 163-168. (In Russ.). 32. Tsukerman V. A. Problems and outlooks for production increment on the basis o f processed industrial wastes and technogenic deposits o f North-West Russia. Proceedings o f the International Conference “Recycling and waste treatment in mineral and metal processing: technical and economic aspects ” (Lulea, June 16-20, 2002). Lulea, Lulea University o f Technology, 2002, pp. 157-166. 33. Tsukerman V. A., Selin V. S., Gorjachevskaja E. S. Obogashhenie i kompleksnaja pererabotka apatitonefelinovyh hibinskih rud: jekonomicheskij aspekt [Enrichment and complex processing of the Khibiny apatite-nepheline ores: economic aspect]. Obogashhenie rud [Ore Prosessing], 2015, no. 3, pp. 41-45. (In Russ.). 34. Tsukerman V. A. Resursosberezhenie i prirodoohrannaja dejatel'nost' gorno-obogatitel'nyh predprijatij Arkticheskoj zony Rossijskoj Federacii [Resource conservation and environmental management of mining and processing enterprises o f the Russian Arctic]. Materialy mezhdunarodnoj konferencii “Resursosberezhenie i ohrana okruzhajushhej sredy pri obogashhenii i pererabotke mineral'nogo syrja (Plaksinskie chtenija - 2016) ” [Proceedings of the International Conference “Efficient Use o f Resources and Environmental Protection in the Beneficiation and Mineral Processing (Plaksin Readings - 2016) ”]. Moscow, Ruda i metally, 2016, pp. 373-374. (In Russ.). 35. Tsukerman V. A. O gosudarstvennoj promyshlennoj politike [On the state industrial policy]. Sever i rynok: formirovanie jekonomicheskogo porjadka [North and Market: Formation o f Economic Order], 2006, no. 2, pp. 113-121. (In Russ.). 71