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6. Emelyanova E.E. Analiz sistemyi upravleniya i mehanizmov realizatsii mestnoy sotsialno-ekonomicheskoy politiki severnogo goroda = Analysis o f the control systems and mechanisms for implementation o f local socio-economic policy in a northern city // Sever i ryinok: formirovanie ekonomicheskogo poryadka = North and market: formation o f economic order. 2010. N 25. Р. 36-40 (In Russ.). 7. Saak A., Kolchina O. Otsenka investitsionnoy privlekatelnosti munitsipalnogo obrazovaniya = Evaluation o f investment attractiveness o f a municipality // munitsipalnaya vlast Municipal authority. 2006. N 4. Р. 53-64 (In Russ.). 8. Shvetsov A. N. Ekonomicheskie resursyi munitsipalnogo razvitiya: finansyi, imuschestvo, zemlya = Economic resources for municipal development: Finances, property, land. 2004. 224 p. (In Russ.). 9. Kirsanov A. A. Osuschestvlenie munitsipalnyih zaimstvovaniy = Implementation o f municipal borrowings // Finansyi i mejbyudjetnyie otnosheniya = Finance and intergovernmental relations. 2010. N 8. Р. 18-24 (In Russ.). 10.Sitnikov A. A. Informatsionnaya obespechennost munitsipalnogo zayma kak sostavlyayuschaya ego investitsionnoy privlekatelnosti = Information security o f municipal loan as component o f its investment attractiveness // Trudy molodyih uchenyih i studentov Volgogradskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta = Proceedings o f the young scientists and students o f Volgograd state University, Volgograd, 2000, 172 p. (In Russ.). 11.Yarmuhametov V. G. Upravlenie investitsionnoy deyatelnostyu munitsipalnyih obrazovaniy. Avtoreferat dissertatsii na soiskanie uchenoy stepeni kandidata ekonomicheskih nauk = Investment management in municipalities. PhD (Economics) diss., Ufa, 2009, 25 p. 12.Postanovlenie Soveta Ministrov SSSR ot 10 noyabrya 1967. No. 1029 «Perechen rayonov Kraynego Severa i mestnostey, priravnennyih k rayonam Kraynego Severa, na kotoryie rasprostranyaetsya deystvie Ukazov Prezidiuma Verhovnogo Soveta SSSR ot 10 fevralya 1960 g i ot 26 sentyabrya 1967 g. o lgotah dlya lits, rabotayuschih v etih rayonah i mestnostyah» = List o f regions o f the far North and localities equated to the far North, are subject to the Decrees o f the Presidium o f the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated 10 February 1960 and from September 26, 1967 on benefits for persons working in these areas and locations. (In Russ.). 13.Emelyanova E. E. Vliyanie regionalnyih osobennostey Severa na tseli, zadachi i vozmojnosti realizatsii munitsipalnoy investitsionnoy politiki = The impact o f regional characteristics North to the goals, objectives and possible implementation o f municipal investment policy // Nauka i biznes: puti razvitiya // Science and business: ways o f development. 2014. N 5. Р.79-83 (In Russ.). 14. Perechen monoprofilnyih munitsipalnyih obrazovaniy RF po sostoyaniyu na 26 iyulya 2013. = The list o f monoprofile municipalities o f the Russian Federation as o f July 26, 2013 // Elektronnyiy resurs (In Russ.). available at http://www.minregion.ru/upload/documents/2013/08/160813-p-m-1.pdf Accessed: 31.08.2013). 15. Emelyanova E. E. Finansovaya obespechennost investitsionnoy deyatelnosti i razvitie strategicheskih metodov upravleniya v monogorodah Severa = Financial security o f investment activities and development o f strategic management practices in single-industry towns o f the North // Aktualnyie problemyi ekonomiki i upravleniya: sbornik statey Vtoroy zaochnoy vserossiyskoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii = Collection o f articles o f the Second all-Russian extramural scientific-practical conference «Actual problems o f Economics and management». Ekaterinburg. 2014. 93 p. Р. 22-28 (In Russ.). 16.Selin V. S., Zaytseva E. I., Istomin A. V. O prioritetah gosudarstvennoy politiki v severnyih regionah = Priorities o f the state policy in the Northern regions // Ekonomicheskie i sotsialnyie peremenyi: faktyi, tendentsii, prognoz = Economic and social changes: facts, trends, forecast. 2012. N 2. Р. 38-49 (In Russ.). 17.Emelyanova E.E. Imuschestvennaya baza mestnogo samoupravleniya kak osnova investitsionnoy politiki gorodov Severa = The property base o f local self-government as the basis o f the investment policy o f the northern cities // Razvitie Severa i Arktiki: problemyi i perspektivyi: Materialyi Vserossiyskoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii: Materials o f all-Russian scientific-practical conference «The development o f the North and the Arctic: problems and prospects», [Elektronnyiy resurs - CD-ROM]. Apatityi. 2013. Р. 146-147 (In Russ.). 12
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