Север и рынок. 2014, N 5.

The activity, however, may also show effects that have negative consequences for the communities. The new activity usually requires qualified workers, and if looked for locally this may cause a drain on the local human resources due to higher salaries paid in the evolving activity. If the qualifications are not accessible locally, the inflow of newly employed may put a pressure on the existing physical and social infrastructure. And due to a general higher level of salaries in the new activities, the development of a wage distortion - the Dutch Disease phenomenon - may not only cause a drain on qualified workers, but the change in the level of salaries and living costs may eventually bring a number of previous well-functioning activities out of business (Winter 2000). Conclusions Exchange of Experiences across regions and nations would be important to develop further in order to avoid mistakes and negative consequences of the new activities. The questions raised throughout the paper relates to what kind of interaction can - and shall - take place when mobile labour meet locally based labour. And in this context experiences on how different policies influences the role, and position of local businesses, workers and local communities in the wealth creation in the north is very much of value in the construction of “best practice” cases that can serve as inspiration for future activities. References Bowles, R.T. ed. 1982: Little communities and big industries: studies in the social impact of Canadian resource extraction. Toronto: Butterworths. Canada - Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Board (1999), “Annual Report 1998-1999". Canada - Nova Scotia Offshore Petroelum Bard, 1791 Barrington Street, Halifax. Canada - Nova Scotia Offshore Petroleum Board (1999), “Sable Offshore Energy Project. Benefits Plan Decision Report, Development Plan Decision Report” . Canada - Nova Scotia Freudenburg, William R. "Perceived Risk, Real Risk: Social Science and the Art of Probabilistic Risk Assessment" Science, New Series, Vol. 242, No. 4875 (7 Oct. 1988), 44-49 Freudenburg, William R. and Gramling, Robert. "Scientific Expertise and Natural Resource Decisions: Social Science Participation on Interdisciplinary Scientific Committees." Social Science Quarterly, Volume 83, Number 1, March 2002. Keddeman, W. 1998: Of Nets and Assets. Effects and impacts of employment-intensive programmes - A review of ILO experience. Development Policies Department, International Labour Office, Geneva, 1998. OECD (1996): Employment and Growth in the Knowledge-based Economy. Paris Omara-Ojungu, Peter H. (1992): Resource Management in Developing Countries. Themes in Ressource Management. Longman, Harlow. Rasmussen, R. O. og Jensen, K. 2000: Konsekvenser af storskala rastof og energiprojekter i Arktis (Consequences of large scale resource development and energy production in the Arctic) . Arbejdspapirer nr. 161, NORS-skrifter nr. 48, Publikationer fra Geografi, Institut for Geografi og Internationale Udviklingsstudier: Roskilde Universitetscenter. Rasmussen, Rasmus Ole (2000): Langtidskonsekvenser af Greenex minen ved Maarmorilik, Uummannaq Kommune. Del 1: Historik, Besk^ftigelse og Mobilitet. Roskilde Universitetscenter. Rasmussen, Rasmus Ole 2003: Labor Market Consequences of Large Scale Resource Development in the Arctic. In: Rasmussen, Rasmus Ole and Koroleva, Natalia E. (eds) 2003: Social and Environmental Impacts in the North. Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research 7