Север и рынок. 2014, N 5.
remote settlements (Rasmussen 2000a; Rasmussen 2003, Storey and Hamilton 2003). In spite of the objectives, however, the reality has been that the economic opportunities created by the mine instead have led to an out-migration to larger settlements such as Anchorage. There are, however, cases where enclaves, after they have stopped instead of being abandoned as originally planned for eventually have been turned into more permanent settlements. It is the case with the iron ore mining at Schefferville in Northern Quebec where the production officially started in 1950. At its peak the settlement had a total population of around 4.500 persons. But when the mining activity halted and equipment was dismantled 1982, the place was in principle closed. The situation, however, has been that parts of the place has been taken over by indigenous groups in the area, primarily the Montagnais and Naskapis, ( , and the town has become an important centre for tourism in the region. The adjacent activities is the result when the mining activities has got a certain degree of interacting with nearby communities, for instance through the involvement of local workers. It could be as employees of the mine company, or it could be the occasional providing of local food for the miners. But it could also include rendered services for the miners and the mining company when miners visit the communities in connection with leisure time activities. Or it could be the larger settlements acting as major communication and administration centre for the mining company. Among the cases from Greenland the situation of "The Black Angel" mine in Uummannaq as well at the mine in Ivittuut all show this characteristic pattern of relationship with the communities, even the latter developed characteristics that also could be characterized as an integrated community. Similarly there are many larger settlements in the North situated relatively close to mines and energy producers which have been enjoying similar positive relations. In the case of Prudhoe Bay oil development in Alaska, Fairbanks is an important link to the activities, and not only to this single resource development, but also for a number of placer mining in the adjacent areas. Or in NWT where Yellowknife, which was partly developed on local gold mines and administrative activities in relation to the NWT, presently is in a process of developing adjacent activities in relation to the wave of diamond mining within a radius of a few hundred kilometres (Rasmussen 2000a). The community integrated activities have been developed in situations where the mining and energy production has become an integral part of the life of the community. It means that the community includes many other activities which relates to the general characteristics of a community, for instance shops, schools, other types of industries, renewable resource production etc., and at the same time interact with the mine through labour force exchange, rendering of services etc. to the company. While many settlements in the South throughout the history have been known through their economic base in the mining activity, this type of settlement is relatively uncommon in the North. The explanation for this is the same as the reason for the existence of many enclave mines, namely the dispersed character and the short life span of the resource. In Greenland, however, the town of Qullissat was more or less a role model for that type of relationship. Even it could be characterized as a mono-economy due to the dominance of one single activity, namely coal mining, the economy still was faceted involving many other types of businesses. In the Russian North this type of settlement is more common than in other parts of the Arctic. It is the situation with settlements such as Nikel, Zapolyarne, Norilsk, and others. Longyearbyen on Svalbard is also an example, where the town originally was based on coal mining, while today the mining activity is of minor importance while administration, research, and education have become the major activities. And not the least tourism! In Canada a place like Dawson City used to be a major city with its activities integrated with gold mining activities, and gold mining still plays a certain role, even its present existence is primarily due to the continuous flow of tourists. In the case of the iron mining in Fermont in northern Quebec production started in 1974 and was supposed to have been going through the 5
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