Север и рынок. 2014, N 3.

Interreg 2012. Project portfolio INTERREG IVA North. Available at: http://www.interregnord.com/media/51424/project%20portfolio%20eng%2012-10-31.pdf Medeiros, A. (2010) Barrier effect and cross-border cooperation: the Sweden-Norwav Interreg-A territorial effects. Available at: http://ww3.fl.ul.pt//pessoais/Eduardo Medeiros/docs/Barrier Effect SN.pdf Regeringen (2008) Sveriges forbindelser med Norge. Available at: http://www.regeringen.se/sb/d/5472/a/42502 SCB (2014) Statistics Sweden. Regional Gross Domestic Product (BRP), number o f emploved and compensation of emplovees (ENS95) bv region (NUTS1-3). Year 1993 - 2011. Accessed: 2014-02-13 http://www.scb. se/en_/Finding-statistics/Statistical-Database/Select- variables/?px_tableid=ssd_extern%3aBRPSvsLonAr&rxid=9ebd93bb-7ee8-439c-9bce-534788f78642 Tullverket (2009) Svensk-Norskt granstullsamarbete - 50 ar. Available at: http://www.tullverket.se/download/18.5b4c46ad124b51d3988800094/svensk. PO T EN T IA L USE O F SO C IA L N E TW O R K IN FO RM A T IO N AS IND ICA TO R S O F HUM AN IN T E R A C T IO N IN FU TUR E D EV E LO PM EN T IN TH E A R C T IC Julien G runfelder, GIS Expert, Nordregio, Stockholm, Sweden 1. Big data, i.e. information taken from social network communication such as tweets, allows having geo-referenced information made bv the activities of individuals. This communication media has the advantage o f reducing the effect o f the phvsical distances, especiallv in sparselv populated areas like the Arctic region. 2. An analvsis o f tweets made in the first part of 2014 contributes to gain insight on how and where Twitter is used within the Arctic region. A closer look at the data for instance from the Russian Arctic reveals how thev mav provide data on potential specificities o f users tweeting in that part o f the Arctic in comparison to for instance the rest o f the Arctic region. A work on Twitter-data and the development of maps constitutes the largest part of the analvsis with the aim at starting a discussion on how these tweets can be used for the future development in the Arctic. II. ЭКОНОМИКА РАЦИОНАЛЬНОГО ПРИРОДОПОЛЬЗОВАНИЯ ИОХРАНАОКРУЖАЮЩЕЙ СРЕДЫНА АРКТИЧЕСКИХ ТЕРРИТОРИЯХ ВОЗМОЖНОСТИ ПОЛУЧЕНИЯ ДОПОЛНИТЕЛЬНОЙ ПРОДУКЦИИ ПРИ РЕШЕНИИ ПРОБЛЕМ УТИЛИЗАЦИИ МЕДЬСОДЕРЖАЩИХ ОТХОДОВ И ВОЗВРАТНЫХ ПРОДУКТОВ ГАЗООЧИСТКИ НА КОМБИНАТЕ «СЕВЕРОНИКЕЛЬ» ОАО «КОЛЬСКАЯ ГМК» Арешина Н.С., к.т.н. с.н.с., Касиков А.Г., к.х.н., зав. сектором Институт химии и технологии редких элементов и минерального сырья им. И.В. Тананаева Кольского НЦ РАН, г. Апатиты 119