Север и рынок. 2014, N 3.
2009). Crossing the Swedish-Norwegian border todav is unproblematic in most cases. Stopping at the border is required onlv when clearing something through customs or on request o f the police. In the earlv 1960s Norwav and Sweden became members o f the European Free Trade Association (EFTA), which also facilitated work o f the customs staff at the border. After Sweden joined the EU in 1995, the border customs cooperation is based on an agreement between the European Communitv and Norwav (EEA). Swedish membership in the EU has not affected the established model o f border customs cooperation between Sweden and Norwav. The existing agreement facilitates trade and efficient allocation o f resources (e.g. customs staff) between a limited number o f border crossing points (Tullverket 2009). Socio-economic profile o f Kiruna-Narvik border area Kiruna is located in Norrbotten lan (Norrbotten Countv) in Sweden. Kiruna municipalitv is highlv dependent on iron ore mining and LKAB support. LKAB is a mining companv and the largest emplover in Kiruna. The economv o f Kiruna is currentlv booming primarilv due to high iron ore prices. However, it is quite vulnerable as it is highlv dependent on one industrv. Space research and tourism industrv are other important economic activities in the municipalitv. The municipalitv is currentlv occupied with the preparations for the move o f the citv centre due to cracks caused bv mining activities. During the next two decades about 3000 apartments and houses will be relocated, which is an extremelv costlv venture and has a significant impact on the inhabitants. GDP per capita in Kiruna municipalitv is above the national average (239% o f Sweden’s average in 2010). Norrbotten countv comes 2nd after Stockholm in terms o f GDP per capita values (out o f 25 counties in Sweden) (SCB 2014). Narvik is located in Ofoten region within Nordland Fvlke (Nordland Countv) in Norwav. Narvik is an industrial town with transport and logistics being the most important economic activities. Todav Narvik is the largest harbour in North Norwav and is amongst the most important harbours for Sweden. Narvik is aiming to become one o f the major transport hubs in the Northern Scandinavia (Futurum 2014). Growth sectors in the Narvik region remain to be transport and logistics since LKAB is planning to increase traffic o f iron ore during the next 8 -10 vears, but also technologv, oil, natural gas and minerals (in northern Norwav as a whole). The municipalitv enjovs a generallv positive development todav. Narvik received a substantial support from the state for fostering economic development between 1995 and 2000. During this period about 3000-4000 new jobs were created and about 45-50 000 m2new office space was constructed (Futurum 2014). Kiruna - Narvik border area is characterised bv fairlv similar level o f economic development. Among the communalities between the municipalities are: • Peripherally and low population densitv • Population decline over the last decade; more drastic in Kiruna compared to Narvik • Surplus o f men o f economical^ active age group • Relativelv poor infrastructure, especiallv on the Swedish side of the border. There is onlv one road between Narvik and Kiruna • GDP above the EU average in Norrbotten and Nordland counties • Unemplovment rate in both municipalities is lower than the national averages • Low diversification of economic activities, especiallv in Kiruna • The presence o f Sami communitv and disputes about grazing land Involvement in EU financed CBCprojects since 2007 and other projects with a territorial impact Norrbotten and Nordland counties are eligible for funding from several Nordic cross-border and transnational programmes. Both counties were involved in the programme INTERREG IVA Nord 2007- 115
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