Север и рынок. 2013, N 3.
Agency, stated, that Russian emigrants, residing in the USA, provide 20-25% o f the American hi-tech production which makes circa 10% o f the global market [4.5]. There are specifics of the modern migration processes of highly qualified specialists, which are connected with internationalization of the global ties and development of information technologies. Many qualified specialists from Russia participate in labor internal flows of transnational corporations. They work under 1to 3 years contracts. Many Russian specialists are involved into outsourcing programs o f large western companies, which are the famous software developers. More and more Russian students go abroad to get education there. Many o f them have their own financial means for payment for their education; others find possibilities in various exchange programs. According to the UNESCO, the total number o f the Russian students in foreign universities was about 13 thousand people in the mid o f 90s. The Sociological Research Center o f Russian Ministry o f Education estimates the number o f Russians in foreign universities as much as 50,000, including short-term exchange programs. Young people, who intend to live abroad, have developed the typical procedure: they get higher education in Russia, then continue studies abroad in order to obtain a foreign certificate or diploma, and getting job then, stay there forever. As the Internet interview results show, after finishing education in some foreign university, only 20-25% o f Russian studying migrants plan returning home. The Russian science, both fundamental and applied, still cannot get out of the deep crisis. This very crisis is the reason for intellectual migration from Russia. Lack of possibilities for self-realization at home forces Russian scientists to “unite their efforts with the foreign partners”. It is clear, that forbiddances and restrictions for leaving country is not an acceptable solution of the problem. Russia is open now for the world and has the same conditions to overcome the negative consequences of the brain drain; but having equality in conditions, it has no equal possibilities for it. Today Russia may attract intellectuals in hard competition with other countries, which lack of highly qualified specialists. This is the only way now to withstand the specialists’ migration. Russia has no special remedy against brain drain; the only way to cope with it is to develop state economic policy, which will be based upon carefully designed strategy of development, stimulating the newest branches of industry. Russia has to suggest competitive positions, which will make our country more attractive for professional labor force. Today we need to re-establish research centers, stimulate development of science at universities, to determine main directions for the state support in fundamental and applied scientific fields. Today Russia does not put any efforts to become a provider o f labor force at the market o f skilled personnel. Actual provision o f such specialists is not controlled by any institution. On the other hand, if Russian skilled specialists are highly demanded and leave the country to work abroad, Russia needs targeted strategy o f personnel training business, oriented towards national labor force expansion. Together with introduction to the external labor market, it is highly demanded to arrange the system o f national specialists return home; countries, which have succeeded in this issue, may provide Russia with their experience. The realization o f programs, aimed at attraction o f qualified specialists to our country, implementation o f training programs, which could stimulate circulation and re-circulation o f specialists, and also o f programs for attraction specialists from other countries - all these require the development and implementation o f the qualified labor market instruments, that is the contract system, social security system, taxation instruments, and so on. The mentioned measures may help our country to find the adequate place at this market [2]. In conclusion, formation o f new priorities o f the Russian migration policy is to be seen as the pacing factor in increase o f role o f migration processes; these priorities are to be oriented towards Russian economic and demographic security and sustainable development. The Russian Federation is the closest neighbor of countries with rich labor resources, and for a long time we shared united economic, political, and cultural space, which fact creates an excellent possibility to resolve many acute problems, related with ageing of population, pension system crisis, etc. Integration within the united economic space o f the CIS, demands in easy adaptation o f workers from the CIS countries set out the necessity o f creation o f the united labor market, which has to be supported by the Russian migration policy and establishment o f special conditions for acceptance and integration o f migrants from the Commonwealth countries. References 1. Gusman, N.O. 2005. “The Contact Gets More Contacts” Analiticheskiy Bankovskiy Journal. Moscow. N 5. P.120. 2. Glushchenko, G. I. 2008. “Migration and Development” . Moscow. 3. Ivakhniuk, I. V. 2005. “International Labor Migration” . Faculty o f Economics, MSU. 4. “Migration and Security o f Russia”. 2000. Edited by G. Vitkovskaya and S. Panarin. Interdialect + . Moscow. 5. Rybakov, S. 2007. “Intellectual Pillaging” . Financial Control. No 4. 6. Mukomel, V. Methodical and Practical Aspects o f the Immigrants Integration Research. Moscow, Adamant , 2007. 77
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