Север и рынок. 2013, N 3.

7. The Arctic Council [Electron. resource]. - Mode o f access: http ://www.arctic-council .org 8. Barents Euro-Arctic Council (BEAC) [Electron. resource]. - Mode o f access : http://www.beac .st 9. The Nordic Council [Electron. resource]. - Mode of access: http ://www .norden.org/en/nordic-council 10. The Nordic Council o f ministers [Electron. resource]. - Mode o f access: http://www.norden.org 11. The Northern Dimension o f European Union [Electron. resource]. - Mode o f access: http://www.eeas.europa.eu 12. Organization for European Economic Co-operation [Electron. resource]. - Mode o f access: http://www.oecd.org NEW FACTORS OF THE RUSSIAN MIGRATION POLICY TENDENCIES DEVELOPMENT I.Z. Tchetinskaya (Murmansk, MSTU, Department of Global Economic Relations) Аннотация. В статье рассматриваются особенности современной миграционной политики России. Раскрывается специфика формирования ее новых приоритетов направленных на обеспечение экономической и демографической безопасности России и достижения ее устойчивого развития. Большое внимание при этом уделяется вопросам проведения согласованной миграционной политики со странами-членами СНГ. Abstract. The peculiarities of modern migration policy of Russia are considered in the article. The specific formation of its new priorities directed to the providing of economic and demographic safety of Russia and reaching of its stable development is covered. Much attention is paid to issues of the migration policy coordinated with countries- members of CIS. Keywords: migration policy, human assets, working migrants, demographic crisis, repatriation of migrants, country immigration, labor potential, the CIS single market of labour force, migrants’ money remittances, financial infrastructure, brain drain, outsourcing programs, intellectual migration At the present time Russia develops in a unique historic period, when the migration policy may become one o f the most important elements o f its economic and demography security and sustainable development. For the migration policy to bring sustainability and provide for progressive development, it is vital to recognize, that migration processes stay among necessary conditions for overcoming o f the demographic crisis, and o f labor market disparities. The adequate migration policy demands understanding o f importance o f Russian human capital assets improvement. Foreign labor force and integration processes are possible only if the social and cultural core o f the society is preserved. Profit maximization at all levels is to be equaled with social risks, aroused by the migration processes. In other words, the migration strategy is to be weighted and reasonable, which makes impossible both overestimating, and underestimating o f the migration role [2]. Concerning all this, new priorities o f the migration policy are introduced into the new development strategy to stimulate the further reforms in the economy. The migration policy o f the recent periods has been oriented to attraction o f variety o f categories o f migrants: season working migrants, in-migrants (who came with the aim o f permanent residing); co-nationals, being the target audience; help was provided also for compatriots coming to Russia for resettlement. Every category needs the development o f a specialized program and methods o f its realization. When season workers are concerned, the first task is to use their labor efficiently and provide for the turnover; the in-migration processes support overcoming o f the demographic crisis, increase o f labor potential and human capital assets, with an allowance for ethnic social tension minimization; concerning compatriots issue, the first question is to populate the strategic target regions, to prevent depopulation o f the Far East and Siberia [2]. The temporary labor migration regulation policy is aimed at: first, the legalization o f migration flows, targeted at counteracting o f ’shadow’ economy and attracting o f money into the budget. The task can be solved, from one side, through facilitation o f access to the labor markets, which is realized with the help o f making registration a simple notification and getting of work permit; from the other side, it is necessary to organize amnesty o f all illegal residents; 74