Рыбный Мурман. 1997 г. Январь.

дельная газета ■Запада России Weekly newspaper K)l>kV н а ш е й р е д а к ц и и , МОИ Д Р У З Ь Я И КО ЛЛ ЕГИ Inna KRAEVA «Rybny Murman» family album. разрезать разрезать К ш ш 1 > £ Т £ З Н Ж , fa ftc o g o q u tfu u b э к о н а л ш ч ж х о ю о*$м?ела We can do a lo t ! Inna Berezyuk, economic department manager. ABOUT FISHERMEN AND FISH. «Ribnyi Murman» has: the most extensive knowledge of the Northen Fish Basin, the deepest analitical materials about its problems, the most recent intervews with Fleets and fish companies leaders. We have information about the economical situation in the fishing industry, prospects for their development and the realibility of some companies. «Ribnyi Murman»gives the fullest information about quotas and rules of fishery, navigation secuntv and disputes between fleet and firms leaders and crews. Our local computer network gives us many possibilities for work with color pictures and lets e scan color pictures or slaids easily and fast. This anables us to easily formate using A3 600 dpi | models on a lazer printer and formate using A3 720 dpi on color jet printer. We also have the capabilities to send and receive e-maii. We hope to have Internet access in ■ 1997 . J We work with: CQ-e\ Draw ! 5.0/6 .0 ( Ru/u) Pc.de Marker 5.0/6 .0 ( Ru/us) I Microsoft Access 2.0. t We are making our own data base of Murmansk regional enterprises.