Мурманшельфинфо. 2019, № 1.

Murmanshelf щ к Magazine of Oil and Gas Industry №1 (33) APRIL, 2019 Establisher: LLC “ InfoCenter Murmanshelf ” Publisher: LLC “ InfoCenter Murmanshelf ” Director General Olga Buch ( olgabuch@yandex.ru ) EDITIORIAL NOTE 1 4 CONTENTS Editor-in-Chief Doctor of Economics, Professor Olga Buch ( olgabuch@yandex.ru ) Manager/Translator Anna Trubkina ( trubkina.anna@hotmail.com ) Layout Designer Mikhail Titov ( mihailtitof@gmail.com ) NEWS OF ASSOCIATION ] 5 ENVIRONMENTAL REMEDIAL ACTION IN THE ARCTIC ZONEARCTIC PORT IMPLEMENTS NEW ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGIES 12 DAY OF INVESTMENT PROJECTS' 15 CONTRACTORS Murmanshelflnfo magazine is registered in Federal Service for Supervision in the sphere of communication and mass media of the Russian Federation on October 10, 2018. Certificate No PI №FS77-71283. OFFSHORE CONTAINERS UNDER RS SURVEY AS AN IMPORTANT ELEMENT OF LOGISTIC SCHEMES IN THE ARCTIC REGION 18 MULTI-CRITERIA ANALYSIS OF OFFSHORE 23 PROJECT PORTFOLIO The magazine is published 4 times a year in Russian and in English. When using the magazine's materials, reference to the magazine is obligatory. The content of advertising texts is advertiser's responsibility. On issues relating to advertising in the magazine please contact Editorial office. Editorial office. Publisher address: Lenina avenue 82, business center “ Arctic ” , office 1007, Murmansk, 183038, Russia RISK MANAGEMENT SYSTEM ]30 THE COMPANY GENOME] 33 passed for printing 25th of March 2019 Press run 2 000. Order № 519/3 Murmanshelflnfo is printed by LLS “ SGR ” Address of the Printing House: 183031, Murmansk, Sverdlova street, 2/7 Photos are provided by article writers. April, 2019 • №1(33) • MurmanshelfInfo 3