МурманшельфИнфо. 2017, N 1 (29)

Murmanshel Magazine of Oil and Gas Industry №1 (29) MARCH, 2017 Establishers: NPO “Association of arctic projects contractors “ Murmanshelf" ( info@murmansheif.ru) , LLC“ InfoCenter Murmanshelf" Publisher: LLC“ InfoCenter Murmanshelf" Director General Olga Buch (olgabuch@yandex.ru) Editor-in-Chief Doctor of Economics, Professor Olga Buch (olgabuch@yandex.ru) Manager/Translator Anna Trubkina (trubkina.anna@hotmail.com) Layout Designer Mikhail Titov ( mihailtitof@gmail.com) TECHNOLOGY OF OIL-ASSOSIATED GAZ UTILIZATION DURING THE EXPLORATION OF ICE-RESISTANT GRAVITY BASED PLATFORM "PRIRAZLOMNAYA" BY USING WATER ALTERNATED GAS INJECTION EDITIORIAL NOTE 1 3 NEWS OF ASSOCIATION | 6 KANDALAKSHA IS THE ARCTIC I 12 TRANSPORT HUB | SOVFRACHT WORKS IN THE ARCTIC: I 16 PRIMARY SOURCE OF INFORMATION | RS WITHIN THE ARCTIC LOGISTICS I 21 SCHEME | PRACTICE: OIL AND GAS PROJECTS | 25 ONSHORE SUPPLY IN ARCTIC 27 Murmanshelflnfo magazine is registered in Federal Service for Supervision in the sphere of communication and mass media of the Russian Federation on October 28,2008. Certificate No PI №FS77-33782. The magazine is published 4 times a year in Russian and in English. When using the magazine's materials, reference to the magazine is obligatory. The content of advertising texts is advertiser's responsibility. On issues relating to advertising in the magazine please contact Editorial office. Editorial office. Publisher address: Lenina avenue 82, business center “Arctic" office 1007, Murmansk, 183038, Russia THE EFFICIENCY OF MINI-TECHNOLOGIES OF LIQUIFIED NATURAL GAS (LNG) PRODUCTION AT LOW-PROFIT FIELDS OPTIMIZATION COMPLETION OF HORIZONTAL WELL ON THE FIELD X USES SLIDING SLEEVES, ACTIVE INFLOW CONTROL DEVICES AND ADDITIONAL PACKERS COMPARATIVE LEGAL ANALYSIS OF THE REGULATION OF SUBSOIL USE ON THE CONTINENTAL SHELF RUSSIA AND THE ARCTIC STATES 29 31 33 Passed for printing 28 March 2017. Press run 2 000. Order № 488/1 Murmanshelflnfo is printed by LLS“ SGR" Address of the Printing House: 183031, Murmansk, Sverdlova street, 2/7 Photos are provided by article writers. Cover photo: Usmanov R. A. RUSSIAN POST: "IMPROVING FOR THE 1 3 5 CUSTOMERS" March, 2017 • №1(29) • Murmanshelflnfo 5 C O N T E N T S