Мурманшельфинфо. 2016, № 1.

Magazine of Suppliers for Oil and Gas Industry FROM EDITOR-IN-CHIEF | 3 №1 (27) March 2016 Establishes: NPO "Association of arctic projects contractors"Murmanshelf" ( info@murmanshelf.ru ) , "LLC Infocenter Murmanshelf" Publisher: "LLC Infocenter Murmanshelf" Director General Olga Buch ( olgabuch@yandex.ru ) Editor-in-Chief Doctor of Economics, Professor Olga Buch ( olgabuch@yandex.ru ) , Manager/dmnslator Anna Trubkina ( trubkina.anna@hotmail.com ) Layout Designer Iza Tarakanova ( kalakiniya@mail.ru ) PRACTICE: OIL AND GAS PROJECTS ONSHORE SUPPLY IN ARCTIC 6 CONTENTS JUSTIFICATION OF OIL PROCESSING PLANT CONSTRUCTION IN MUR ­ MANSK FOR OILS, DEVELOPED IN THE ARCTIC REGION Mikhail Grigoryev 8 IMPORTANT ISSUES OF COMPLEX SUPPLY OF OFFSHORE PROJECTS IN THEARCTIC Aleksey Fadeev 13 Murmanshelflnfo magazine is registered in Federal Service for Supervision in the sphere of communication and mass media ofthe Russian Federation on October 28,2008. Certificate No PI № FS77-33782. The magazine is published 4 times a year in Russian and in English. When using the magazine's materials, reference to the magazine is obligatory. The content of advertising texts is advertiser's responsibility. On issues relating to advertising in the magazine please contact Editorial office. Editorial office, Publisher address: Lenina avenue 82, business center"Arctic" office 1007, Murmansk, 183038, Russia Passed for printing 23 March 2016 Press run 2 000. Order №8540 Murmanshelflnfo is printed by "Star". Address ofthe Printing House: 196084, Press"Star" Saint-Peterburg, Novoroshchinskaya str. 4, Business Center"Sobranie" 3 floor, of. 316-1 Photos are provided by article writers. Photo in cover: Maksim Kuzmin. UNDER THE REGISTER RULES | 24 THE EFFECTIVENESS OF THE CURRENT RUSSIAN LEGISLATION IN THE FIELD OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Olga Sarkova INTERESTS OF RUSSIA IN THEARCTIC AND KEY WAYS OF THEIR SCIENTIFIC SUPPORT Vladimir Gorbanev 28 35 April, 2016 • №1 (27) • Murmanshelflnfo 5