МурманшельфИнфо. 2014, N 2 (25).
Ликвидация морских разливов нефти: инновационное решение Efficient Cleaning up of Sea Oil Spill: Innovative Solutions Илья КУЛИКОВ, директор ФБУ «Государственный региональный центр стандартизации, метрологии и испытаний в Мурманской области» Ilya KULIKOV, director FBU «State regional Center for standardization, metrology and tests in the Murmansk region» Российские и норвежские органы власти в те- чение ряда лет работают над созданием общей базы для сотрудничества в области ликвидации морских аварийных разливов нефти в Арктике. Ìóðìàíñê, ïî ñëîâàì Ïðåçèäåíòà ÐÔ Â. Â. Ïóòèíà, - âîðî- òà â Àðêòèêó.  ïåðñïåêòèâå îí ìîæåò ñòàòü îäíîé èç ãëàâ- íûõ áàç ïî èññëåäîâàíèþ àðêòè÷åñêèõ ïðèðîäíûõ ðåñóðñîâ äëÿ îáåñïå÷åíèÿ ãëîáàëüíûõ ýíåðãåòè÷åñêèõ ïîòðåáíîñòåé è çàùèòå îêðóæàþùåé ñðåäû. Èìåííî â Ìóðìàíñêå â 2006- 2011ãã. ïðè ïîääåðæêå íîðâåæñêîé êîìïàíèè «Ñòàòîéë» è íîðâåæñêîãî Èíñòèòóòà Ìàòåðèàëîâ è Õèìèè «ÑÈÍÒÅÔ» âïåðâûå â Ðîññèè áûë ðåàëèçîâàí êîìïëåêñíûé ïðîåêò ïî ñîçäàíèþ ñèñòåìû ëèêâèäàöèè àâàðèéíûõ ðàçëèâîâ íåô- òè, îñíîâàííîé íà çíàíèè èçìåíåíèÿ ôèçèêî-õèìè÷åñêèõ ñâîéñòâ è ïîâåäåíèÿ ðîññèéñêîé íåôòè â ìîðñêîé âîäå â çàâèñèìîñòè îò êîíêðåòíûõ ìåòåîóñëîâèé íà ìîìåíò ðàçëè- âà è ïîñëåäóþùåãî äðåéôà íåôòÿíîãî ïÿòíà. Ó÷àñòíèêàìè Russian and Norwegian authorities have been working for several years at creating common base for cooperation in the sphere of sea oil spill response operations in the Arctic region. According to words of Russian President Vladimir Putin, Murmansk is the goats to the Arctic zone. Further the city could even become one of the main bases for research of Arctic natural resources to provide world energy and to protect the environment. Murmansk was chosen among others for realization of the complex project concerning creation of the oil spill response system according to knowledge of changing oil physicochemical properties as well as of observing oil performance in the sea water within different meteorological conditions at oil spill and its further movement (2006-2011). Support was provided by Norwegian company “Statoil” and Norwegian Institute of Materials and Chemistry “SINTEF”. Participants of this system are “Murmansk CSM”, Marine Rescue Emergency Service and Hydrometeorology Service. In 2008 the Laboratory for researching oil according to methods of Norwegian Institute “SINTEF” was opened on the base of “Murmansk CSM”. Hydrometeorology Service installed new programs “SINTEF” such as oil weathering model (OWM) and oil spill contingency and response (OSCAR). Marine Rescue Emergency Service got modern equipment for collecting oil. Those researches were developed in 2012 with the support of the international project «Enhancement of Oil Spill Response System through Establishing Oil Database» which had been implemented within the framework of «Kolarctic ENPI CBC Programme 2007-2013» in Murmansk region. By the way, «Kolarctic ENPI CBC Programme» is financed by European Union, Russia, Finland and Norway and is going to finish in December, 2014. The project has allowed studying 12 oil samples from Russia; making models of oil changing in the October 2014 № 2 (25) MurmanshelfInfo 23
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