МурманшельфИнфо. 2014, N 2 (25).
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The response to such incidents, especially in the Arctic conditions, requires the following: - the adoption of complex infrastructural and technical decisions by the administrative structures of different levels - the appliance of a wide range of competences including scientific research and development of new technologies - the attraction of a huge amount of human and technical resources including state and municipal, public and commercial resources and also the use of possibilities of cross-border cooperation. The understanding of the complexity of the tasks and challenges promote the significant extension of the traditional frames of the Russian-Norwegian cooperation. Nowadays Russia and Norway also show a good example of a large-scale cooperation in the field of environmental protection of the Arctic between the regional and municipal power authorities of the Murmansk region and the North Norway and also between public, scientific and professional commercial organizations. In the past decade a variety of initiatives and projects on oil spills prevention and response in the Arctic zone have been successfully implemented under the auspices of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Norway, The Norwegian Barents Secretariat and the Government of the Murmansk region. These initiatives and projects continue working today. In August 2013 the significant Russian-Norwegian events in the field of OSR took place in Murmansk and Kirkenes. Among the participants there were the state competent OSR authorities of Russia and Norway as well as regional and municipal authorities of the Murmansk region and county Finnmark, scientific and public organizations and private professional companies that are working in the field of oil spills prevention and response. These events were initiated and organized by the Norwegian Coastal Administration in collaboration with the Northern branch of SMPCSA, private companies IS-Systems and EcoService and were supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Norway, the Government of the Murmansk region and the Consulate General of the Kingdom of Norway in Murmansk. They included a workshop on OSR at the coastal area and the shore line cleanup, training courses for specialists in OSR in the coastal area according to the IMO program and joint exercises on oil spill response in the coastal area in Kirkenes. Exercises near the coastal area of the Kirkenes port demonstrated for the first time, perhaps, the practical collaboration of the Norwegian and Russian state, municipal and private emergency-rescue teams on liquidation of oil spills. During these exercises highly professional competence of all the involved teams was shown, however a number of problems and questions were detected which need to be addressed and solved in case of a real accident connected with an oil spill. 2 Áûâøåå ÔÃÓÏ «Ìóðìàíñêîå áàññåéíîâîå àâàðèéíî-ñïàñàòåëüíîå óïðàâëåíèå» 2 Northern branch of Marine Rescue Service originated from the Federal State Unitary Enterprise “Murmansk Basin Emergency and Rescue Department” 20 октябрь 2014 № 2 (25) МурманшельфИнфо
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