МурманшельфИнфо. 2014, N 2 (25).

ëèíèè è ñóõîïóòíûìè òðóáîïðîâîäàìè äëèíîé â íåñêîëüêî äåñÿòêîâ êèëîìåòðîâ. Ïðåäâàðèòåëüíûå ýêîíîìè÷åñêèå ðàñ÷åòû ýôôåêòèâíî- ñòè îñâîåíèÿ ïîòåíöèàëüíûõ ìåñòîðîæäåíèé óãëåâîäîðî- äîâ â àðêòè÷åñêèõ çàëèâàõ (ãóáàõ) ñâèäåòåëüñòâóþò î äîñòà- òî÷íî âûñîêèõ êàïèòàëüíûõ è ýêñïëóàòàöèîííûõ çàòðàòàõ íà ãðàíè ðåíòàáåëüíîñòè.  äàëüíåéøåì ñ ðàçâèòèåì ñïåöèàëüíîé òåõíèêè è òåõ- íîëîãèé ìîãóò áûòü ðàññìîòðåíû ñïåöèàëüíûå, áîëåå âû- ñîêîòåõíîëîãè÷íûå è ìåíåå çàòðàòíûå ñöåíàðèè îñâîåíèÿ ìåñòîðîæäåíèé óãëåâîäîðîäîâ â ïîäîáíûõ óñëîâèÿõ.  Литература 1. Акопян Р.А., Кульпин Л.Г., Кутычкин Б.К., Обморошева Л.Б., Хубль- диков. А.И. Горизонтальные скважины: проектирование и исследо- вания. НТЖ. «Строительство нефтяных и газовых скважин на суше и на море», №3, ВНИИОЭНГ, 2005, с.4-9. 2. В рамках проекта «Сахалин-1» закончено бурение самой длин- ной в мире скважины с большим отходом забоя от вертикали. Oil&Gas Eurasia №2, 2011, с.10. 3. Л.Г.Кульпин, В.И.Савченко, Р.А.Акопян, Л.Б.Обморошева. Геоло- го-технологические и экономические аспекты освоения ресурсов углеводородов Байдарацкой губы Карского моря. Сборник тезисов докладов 7-ой Международной Конференции «Нефть и Газ Юга Рос- сии, Черного, Азовского и Каспийского морей-2010», Геленджик, 14- 19.06.2010, с.111-115. 4. В.М.Рабкин, Ф.Д.Мирзоев, И.П.Караев. Основные факторы, вли- яющие на возможность применения подводной технологии в усло- виях арктического шельфа России. Сб. науч. тр. «Освоение морских нефтегазовых месторождений: состояние, проблемы и перспекти- вы», Москва, 2008, с.110-117. Рис.5. Конструкции защитных кожухов для подводных скважин в сложных ледовых условиях Pic. 5. Protection cover for subsea wells in severe ice conditions There is no appropriate experience of using underwater equipment at fields in shallow waters. Obskaya, Tazovskaya and Baydaratskaya Bays are the most suitable regions for using underwater production units in shallow waters of Arctic shelf. There are two possible variants to use underwater production units:  whole underwater supply with transportation of production to the coast in multiphase condition (control of underwater production units and chemical supply from coastal establishments);  mixed type (stationary platform with technological equipment, where production from all wells are transferred, underwater production units are controlled at platform). It is necessary to provide reliable protection from ice, ships and sea flows while fitting out fields at shallow waters where access to underwater production units is possible only in short ice-free period of time. You may found description of protection covers of subsea wells in the picture 5. Positive factor of fitting the prospective geological structures of this region is direct closeness of developed objects to Yamal peninsula and to Bovanenkovskoe field. That gives an opportunity to use the peninsula infrastructure made by Gazprom to the maximum. Most costs of transport network construction are connected with setting sea pipe lines till the closest coast line and land pipes with the length in several dozen kilometers. Preliminary results of effectiveness of developing prospective hydrocarbons fields in the Arctic Bays show rather high capital and operating costs at the edge of profitability. Modern science is developing and in near future it will certainly be possible to find more technological and less expensive means of development of hydrocarbon fields in such weather conditions.  References 1. Akopyan R. A., Kulpin L.G., Kutychkin B. K., Obmorosheva L. B., Khubldikov A. I. Horizontal wells: projecting and researching. “Construction of offshore and onshore oil and gas wells”, №3, VNIIOENG, 2005, p. 4-9. 2. “Sakhalin-1” has finished drilling of the deepest well with big vertical displacement of bore-hole bottom. Oil&Gas Eurasia №2, 2011, p. 10. 3. Kulpin L. G., Savchenko V. I., Akopyan R. A., Obmorosheva L. B. Geological, technical and economic aspects of hydrocarbon development of Baydaratskaya Bay of Kara Sea. Some reports of 7th international conference “Oil and gas of southern Russia, Black, Azov and Caspian Seas”, Gelendzhik, 14-19.06.2010, p. 111-115. 4. Rabkin V. M., Mirzoev F. D., Karaev I. P. Main factors of possibility to use underwater technology under the conditions of Russian Arctic shelf. “Development of offshore oil fields: current situation, problems and prospects”, Moscow, 2008, p. 110-117. 14 октябрь 2014 № 2 (25) МурманшельфИнфо