МурманшельфИнфо. 2012, N 3 (21).

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Âñå ñòðîèòåëüñòâî áóäåò âåñòèñü íà áþäæåòíûå ñðåäñòâà, à âîò ýêñïëóàòàöèÿ ëåäîêîëîâ áóäåò âåñòèñü íà îñíîâå ãî- Water area of the NSR Federal Law ¹ 132-FZ On amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation in the state regulation of commercial navigation in the waters of the Northern Sea Route´ should lead existing management system of the NSR in accordance with the Naval Doctrine of the Russian Federation to ensure national interests in the Arctic. During the preparation of the law there was much debate on what to consider as the water area of the NSR. When defining water area Russia must abide by the provisions of the United Nations international convention on the Maritime Law of 1982, of which Russia is the side. The Convention establishes that the principle of freedom of navigation applies to all seas including territorial sea, exclusive economic zone in the sea and especially blue water, where no one´s jurisdiction. Navigation rules could be set basing on the grounds of protecting the environment from vessel pollution only and in those seas only which covered with ice for more than a half of year. Water area of the NSR is exactly that kind of area, as there is an ice for more than a half of year. The law defines the Northern Sea Route (the NSR) as ‘historical national transport communication of the Russian Federation´. Adoption of the law should provide a single management system in the waters of the NSR and the creation of modern infrastructure for the safe vessel navigation including navigational and hydrographic support and icebreaking. The document introduces a new definition of the water area of the NSR. It is an expanse of water adjacent to the northern coast of Russia, covering the internal waters, territorial sea, contiguous zone and the exclusive economic zone. According to the amendments, there was a proposition to limit the waters of the Northern Sea Route from the east by the line of the maritime boundary with the United States and the parallel of Cape Dezhnev in the Bering Strait and in the west by the meridian of the Cape of Desire to the Novaya Zemlya archipelago, eastern coastline of Novaya Zemlya, western boundaries Matochkin Shar, Kara Gate and Yugorsky Shar. Administration of the NSR The document recreates so-called administration of the NSR. It will be a federal government (state) agency. Its functions will include organizational and administrative arrangements for the implementation of safe navigation on the waters of the NSR. The Administration will accept applications for the right to sail in the waters, approve the organization and rules of navigation, including to prevent marine pollution from vessels. Payments It was mentioned that the fee for icebreaking escort of vessel in the waters of the NSR is determined in accordance with the legislation on natural monopolies. In this case the payment of such escort is based on the actual amount of services provided. The law introduces compulsory insurance of civil liability of owners of vessels for pollution damage and other damage caused by the ship or mandatory financial support of this responsibility. In absence of such vessel may not enter the port in Russia and get permission to sail in the waters of the Northern Sea Route. Need in new icebreaker fleet To provide safe sailing in waters of the NSR there is a need to create a new icebreaker fleet. This year there was taken a decision to build four diesel-electric icebreakers and the first new nuclear icebreaker in exchange of old ones that would be written off. All construction will be carried on on the budget, though the operation of icebreakers will be based on public-private partnership financed by the federal budget and extra budgetary sources based on contracts with customers of icebreakers´ services. This is also stated in the new law on the NSR. Atomflot representatives believe that by 2016-2018, when full-scale export of liquefied natural gas from the Gulf of Ob will begin, there will take place planned increase in traffic up to 20 million tons a year. In this regard Atomflot needs a new generation of icebreakers. The company expects that the existing icebreakers (except for Russia) will be able to function until 2022.