МурманшельфИнфо. 2012, N 3 (21).

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Naturally, these enterprises emerged in the favorable to fishing industry region and rest upon original factors (according to Porter that is natural resources, minerals and human resources). They become highly competitive owing to the development of their capacities, improvement of the structure and means of controlling in competition with similar companies, which have access to the same resources. It is logical that geographic proximity provides them with extra benefits for cooperation. The idea of clusters occurred to Porter while studying competition and competitiveness. He supposed that competitiveness bases on 4 factors influencing each other, and displayed them in the form of rhomb. The better each of these factors, the higher competitiveness of the company. Although not all of those factors could be controlled. Original factors. For the most part they are defined by the region in which company is situated with all existing conditions both positive and negative. For instance, for the Murmansk region it is non-freezing port, minerals, population, terms of payment (polar bonuses) increasing salary compared to other regions, long vacations etc. That is original factors of competitiveness on which companies functioning on this territory base. Is there any chance for companies to affect them? No. However, these factors are similar for all enterprises. Initial conditions are the same. Strategy and structure of the enterprise. They also appear to be criterion defining competitiveness. Could they be affected? Yes. It could be done as much as possible, unless there are restrictions introduced by the higher authority. Demand. Success of companies at external market defined not so much by volume of demand but by the quality of demand, meaning how exacting and critical customers are. In the Soviet Union, for example, customers did not see much, as a result industry did not need to improve product, as long as market consumed everything. Enterprises of the region profit from the situation, when their customers are exacting and qualified according to the international standards. Winners of the competition at the home market would surely be in demand at external markets. Could companies affect quality of demand? Indirectly. It is possible through education and informing of the clients on technological novelties. Ensuring infrastructure. The forth component of competitiveness is companies of allied and supporting industries, such as small and medium enterprises operating in the logistics and services market. Similarly to the quality and competitive at the external market car, which can not be produced using poor components, competitiveness of the key companies and, consequently, competitiveness of the region depend on the quality of their support. Its quality also rises when small business fights for resources of large companies. Clusters of allied industries 32 ñåíòÿáðü 2012 ¹ 3(21) ÌóðìàíøåëüôÈíôî