МурманшельфИнфо. 2012, N 3 (21).

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Âîò åñëè â îäíîì ìåñòå îá- ðàçîâàëîñü, ñóùåñòâóåò è ïîääåðæèâàåòñÿ ãîñóäàðñòâîì íå- ñêîëüêî êðóïíûõ ðûáîäîáûâàþùèõ ïðåäïðèÿòèé, ÷àñòè÷íî êîíêóðèðóþùèõ ìåæäó ñîáîé çà ïîòðåáèòåëÿ, ÷àñòè÷íî ñî- òðóäíè÷àþùèõ – ýòî îáðàçîâàíèå è ÿâëÿåòñÿ êëàññè÷åñêèì The initiative of the development of the regions of Russia organizing and supporting the economy through industrial technology clusters is relatively new to the Murmansk Region. This year on March 16 the Resolution of the Government of the Murmansk region ¹ 80 PP / 4 «On the formation and development of sectoral and regional clusters in the Murmansk region» was adopted. This decision decreed to create of so-called «clusters» in the region. Within 2-3 quarters will be defined the signing of agreements. There is no point to repeat the official documents in detail, while everything could be found on the website of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Murmansk region. Although the Murmansk region is at the beginning of the work, we met the term «cluster» earlier in the Concept of Socio- Economic Development of the Russian Federation until 2020 approved by the Federal Government on November 17. In December, there was also a Letter of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia On the guidance on the implementation of the cluster policy in the Russian Federation on 26.12.2008. Since that time, according to information on the Internet, cluster initiatives are discussed in different regions of Russia. Key industries are being identified, organization facilitating formation of clusters are being created. Tomsk and Samara clusters are good examples of such initiatives. Interpretation of the term «cluster» is different in different sources. The description of the essence of industrial clusters often loses their core meaning. So what is a cluster? In addition to the interest to sort it out, there are three more motives. Firstly, small businesses that provide services to enterprises in the Murmansk Region wonder how to integrate successfully into forming clusters. Many large enterprises, who are small and medium business customers, have already become a part of such formations, and the last is motivated to keep up. Secondly, some small and medium-sized enterprises, as prominent players in their market, already participate in mini- clusters or form them. Providing services to their field, they have formal and informal agreements with the companies providing services in the same and related industries. Thirdly, small businesses significantly fragmented and have few opportunities to reach consensus and even fewer to declare it. Let this article serve the purpose. For the first time the term «cluster» has appeared in economics in the work of Michael Porter The Competitive Advantage of Nations in 1990. It was defined as a geographic concentration of inter-connected companies and institutions working in common industries (for example, universities, standardization agencies, trade unions) competing yet working together. As in the game for children called find extra word, the word competing looks strange among the words concentration, inter- connected and common. However, one is the most important in a whole concept of clusters. Why? We will analyze formation of enterprises: fishing company, port, fish-processing enterprise, transportation, logistics, distribution network and nautical school will emerge next. All are side by side, related and all interact with each other. Is this formation a cluster? No. Enterprises form vertical line, though do not compete with each other. Will the central fishing company be able to meet competition at external market? It is possible. Will the government support improve the situation? That is unlikely. It rather will freeze lag compared to competitors: there is no reason to invent something new, while living is good enough. However, competition is the basis of success. The same is true both for the small organization working at the local market and competing with similar ones and for the large enterprise working at the national or international market. It also applies both to the Murmansk region and the country as well. According to the Michael Porter cluster theory, in order to make enterprise successful at the external market, one should become competitive at home market. If at same place several major fishing companies, which compete and cooperate with each other, function and are supported by the state, than it will be called a standard cluster. Their employees pass from one to another carrying knowledge, skills and experience. Joint education and participation in shared working teams are also exercised. Besides, allied industries, such as processing, September 2012 ¹ 3(21) MurmanshelfInfo 31