МурманшельфИнфо. 2012, N 3 (21).

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It is known, that tourism is an industry which, unlike others, does not require a significant investment, sophisticated technology, supply of raw or any other materials. The tourism industry is able to develop by forces of enterprising people providing income, employment and preservation of cultural heritage. Conclusion: The main risks for the business development in the Far North are caused by: • Destruction of the natural environment, which reduces the potential of traditional economic activities automatically worsening prospects for tourism; • lack of mobility of business and citizens, that do not allow to access markets by products and services of local businesses. Project: Transportation and logistics services for business It is known that the integration of the remote areas in the world economy is determined by: 1. Development of communications; 2. Success of measures of enhancing competitiveness, for the peripheral area it, first of all, means to reduce transport costs, where the main role is played by logistics. Axiom: Transport infrastructure is a catalyst of development. However, the main role belongs to roads, because roads change for the better peoples everyday life, stimulate economic and social activity, improve the quality of life through access to social services (education, culture, health care, etc.). Roads connect producers and consumers allowing goods and people door to door delivery all year round. Roads link all other modes of transport in a multimodal system, helping to reduce logistics costs and opening up previously inaccessible for local producers markets. The availability of goods and safe roads are the most convincing argument for the investor and vice versa bad roads or absence of those reduce investment attractiveness of any territory to zero. Roads have one more important feature: roads for centuries transported not only goods and people but also information awakening imagination, transforming, settling, preparing people´s minds to new ideas and technical and technological borrowing, contributing to self-fulfillment and making life interesting and fuller, in other words, improving the quality of people´s lives. Conclusion: The development of transportation and logistics is a first condition for the competitiveness of producers from remote areas. The value of transport costs is a key to the output of the local products to foreign markets and the availability of goods and services to the local population. The mobility of people and goods is a critical requirement for promotion of entrepreneurship in the periphery and attachment people. Priority is construction and improvement of roads for everyday business and social needs of businesses and households. Roads are not only a catalyst for development and foundation of economic potential and social well-being but also insurance against the risks of colonial scenario of the development of the Arctic territories. The more available territory and the more mobile its citizens are, the lower those risks. International cooperation projects for the development of roads in the northern periphery of the Barents Region A number of objective «northern» circumstances complicate the tasks of improving the northern roads, namely: • Long distances; • Climatic, geological and hydrological characteristics (tundra, permafrost, wetlands, vast floodplains and stormy spring floods, snow drifts, short construction season); • Shortage of high-quality materials, which often has to be brought from a distance, which increases the coast of the road works in the North; • Slow traffic on most of the network of regional roads, which prevents justifying the need for funding for maintenance of such 24 ñåíòáðü 2012 ¹ 1(19) ÌóðìàíøåëüôÈíôî