МурманшельфИнфо. 2012, N 3 (21).

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Ðåñóðñ «ìàòåðèàëû» äëÿ ýêñòðåìàëüíûõ ñåâåðíûõ óñëîâèé äîëæíû áûòü: ýíåðãîñáåðåãàþùèìè, ñïîñîáíûìè âûäåðæèâàòü âîçäåéñòâèå ýêñòðåìàëüíûõ ôàêòîðîâ è ïðè- (such as fish), impairing life quality of the indigenous people, stimulating migration of young people to more favorable areas. 21 century: Resources which are necessary for the development of the Arctic territories with minimal risks Any undertaking requires mobilization of the original resource - information. The better and more complete information, the lower the risk of errors and the higher the chances of success. Resource of information, in this case, consists of the lessons from the experience of human activities in the Far North, Arctic expeditions and research results and scientific findings. In the Arctic first of all it is important to know how not to do in order to minimize the risk of errors with fallouts and only then to know how to do.Therefore it is necessary to combine experience, knowledge and results of research and projects of different countries in order to make better decisions and take intelligent action. Arctic errors are far-reaching in time, in space and in the community, and as long as ecosystems know no borders and there are no fences on the water and in the air, the result of errors in the Arctic will affect health of the planet. Condition of the Arctic ecosystems is a general, shared responsibility of all circumpolar states to all mankind. The benefit of the resource of information is implementing through the decisions and actions of people. Therefore resource of human is critical. The quality of this resource depends on awareness, education and moral values of the person in the 21 st century and their ability to recognize and take responsibility for their actions. Resource of people define technology including those which are used in the development of the new Arctic territories. Necessity to heighten the standards for technologies in Arctic conditions is obvious. Mandatory requirements for technology are being environmentally friendly, energy saving, with closed loop to minimize the anthropogenic impact on the environment and recycling of by-products and waste. Resource of technology defines the need in materials. Materials for the extreme northern conditions supposed to be energy-saving, able to withstand the extreme factors and natural phenomena, easily recyclable. The quality and the quantity of such resources as information, people, technology and materials will define the budget of the large-scale and long-term Arctic development project, in other words the need in financial resource. Obviously, the development of the Arctic territories requires considerable adjustment for an arctic factor. Critical resource - people Overview of the resources required for the project of the 21 st century Arctic development reveals that human resource is critical. Scale on the purpose, complexity and long term of objectives, the need to minimize the risk of Arctic exploration following colonial scenario requires a stable renewal of high quality haman resource. This requirement may be met only by having a permanent local population. Q: Why is it so important to rely on the local population during the development of the Arctic? Organism of the indigenous inhabitants of the Far North is adapted to activity in extreme conditions and mentality formed by a northern behavioral model sustainable use of natural resources. People in the North have always had to adapt to the environment, as its survival depended on the resumption of vital natural resources. Any change in ecosystems is a risk of resources reduction and a threat to the well-being. The feature not to change but to adapt is a fundamental difference between the mentality of the North and the South. The basis of human survival in a more favorable climate conditions is agriculture requiring adaptation of the environment to the needs of people, deforestation, plowing and seeding, crop protection by reclamation, construction of canals, dams and reservoirs. Fact: Strategic resource of the Far North - physiologically and mentally adapted to extreme conditions population - is rapidly declining. Far North becomes empty. September 2012 ¹ 3 (21) MurmanshelfInfo 21