МурманшельфИнфо. 2012, N 3 (21).

Мобилизация - приведение кого-либо или чего- либо в активное состояние, сосредоточение сил и средств для достижения цели. (Большой энцикло- педический словарь) Оценка рисков освоения арктических территорий Îñâîåíèå Àðêòèêè - öåëü 21 âåêà. Ìàñøòàá ýòîé öåëè òðå- áóåò ìîáèëèçàöèè íåìàëûõ ðåñóðñîâ è ñïîñîáíîñòè óïðàâ- ëÿòü ðèñêàìè, íåèçáåæíî âîçíèêàþùèìè ïðè íàðàùèâàíèè äåÿòåëüíîñòè ÷åëîâåêà â ïðèðîäíîé ñðåäå. Óðîêè èñòîðèè, ïðåæäå âñåãî, òðåáóþò ñíèæåíèÿ ðèñêîâ ýêîñèñòåì è êîðåí- íîãî íàñåëåíèÿ îñâàèâàåìûõ òåððèòîðèé. Òðàäèöèîííûé ïîäõîä ïðè îñâîåíèè íîâûõ ìàëîíàñå- ëåííûõ òåððèòîðèé - íàñàæäåíèå ýêîíîìè÷åñêîãî ðåæèìà, íàïðàâëåííîãî íà èçâëå÷åíèå ìàêñèìàëüíîé ïðèáûëè îò ðåñóðñîâ ýòèõ òåððèòîðèé. Ïðè ýòîì îêðóæàþùàÿ ñðåäà, ñîñòàâëÿþùàÿ îñíîâó æèçíåîáåñïå÷åíèÿ êîðåííîãî íàñå- ëåíèÿ, íåðåäêî ïðèíîñèòñÿ â æåðòâó. Äàííûé ïîäõîä, êàê èçâåñòíî, ñîñòàâëÿåò ñóòü êîëîíèàëüíîé ïîëèòèêè. Ïîýòî- ìó, áîãàòûå ðåñóðñàìè ìàëîíàñåëåííûå òåððèòîðèè, ðàñ- ïîëîæåííûå â îòíîñèòåëüíîé èçîëÿöèè, âñåãäà ðèñêóþò ïðåâðàòèòüñÿ â ñûðüåâûå ïðèäàòêè ìåòðîïîëèé è ñûðüåâûõ êîðïîðàöèé, ëèøàÿñü ïîëèòè÷åñêîé è ýêîíîìè÷åñêîé ñàìî- ñòîÿòåëüíîñòè. Ïðîöåññ «îñâîåíèÿ» ìîæåò ñîïðîâîæäàòüñÿ ïðîïàãàíäîé, ïðåäñòàâëÿþùåé äåÿòåëüíîñòü ñûðüåâûõ êîð- ïîðàöèé äëÿ ìåñòíîãî íàñåëåíèÿ êàê «äàðû öèâèëèçàöèè». Ïðèñóòñòâèå êîëîíèàëüíîãî ñöåíàðèÿ ïðè îñâîåíèè òåð- ðèòîðèè âûÿâëÿåòñÿ ïóò¸ì ñðàâíèòåëüíîãî àíàëèçà ñèòóàöèé â òåððèòîðèè è â ìåòðîïîëèè ïî ðÿäó èíäèêàòîðîâ, à èìåííî: 1. Ïðîäîëæèòåëüíîñòü æèçíè, êîòîðàÿ âñåãäà êîðî÷å íà òåððèòîðèè, ÷åì â ìåòðîïîëèè; Проекты мобилизации ресурсов для освоения Арктики Projects of resource mobilization for development of the Arctic September 2012 ¹ 3 (21) MurmanshelfInfo 19 Елена СВАТКОВА, генеральный директор ООО «Автодорожный консалтинг» Elena SVATKOVA, General Director, Road Consulting, LTD Mobilization is bringing someone or something in active state, concentration of forces andmeans in order to achieve a goal. (Encyclopedic dictionary) Riskestimationof theArcticareadevelopment The development of the Arctic is a purpose of the 21st century. The scale of this goal requires mobilization of the considerable amount of resources and ability to manage the risks that inevitably arise after increase in human activity in the natural environment. Lessons taught by history, above all, require reduce of risks for ecosystems and indigenous people on the developing areas. The traditional approach to the development of new low- populated areas is a planting of economic regime aimed at extracting maximum value from the resources of these areas. In this case, the environment, which is the basis of livelihoods of indigenous people, is often being sacrificed. This approach is known to be the essence of colonial policy. Therefore, the resource-rich underpopulated and relatively isolated areas are always in danger of becoming a source of raw materials of metropolises and raw material corporations losing political and economic autonomy. The process of development can be accompanied by propaganda that represents activities of raw materials corporations as benefits of civilization. The presence of the colonial scenario while developing territory could be revealed by comparative analysis of the situation on the territory and in the metropolis using several indicators, such as 1. Live expectancy is shorter on the territory than in the metropolis; 2. Higher infant mortality; 3. Deterioration of living conditions for the majority of population of the territory (quality of drinking water, air and sanitary condition of the living environment);