МурманшельфИнфо. 2012, N 1 (19).
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Four organisations for geologic exploration works at the shelf of the seas in the Far East, the Caspian Sea, the Baltic Sea and Arctic shelf. Today, even in a greatly reduced state, only Arcticmorneftegazrazvedka is left. The strongest in this four was the Far East Sea oil and gas research expedition of deep-well drilling, created in 1976. First it consisted of jack–up drilling rig Borgsten Dolphin and semisubmersible drilling rig Hacury 2. Afterwards they were joined by jack- up drilling rig Oha (built in 1980), Ehabi (1984), Curilskaya (1993) and Sakhalinskaya (1985), semisubmersible drilling rig Shelf 6 and drilling vessel Anatoly Mirchink. All of them together have drilled on the shelf of Okhotsk Sea, Vietnam shelf and the Persian Gulf more than one hundred of probe and operation wells. Besides there were supply vessels, icebreakers and rescue vessels, floating cranes, semisubmersible vessel Transshelf. And all those assets, so necessary for geological research works was sold out for small money to the foreign companies. It is enough to say that all jack-up drilling rigs were sold for 20 million dollars, while the construction of one drilling rig costs more than 100 million dollars, and it takes time, at least two years. Later on, previously sold drilling rig Sakhalinskaya, with another name was used in 2006 for well drilling at Sakhalin shelf on the order of Gazprom. The daily rent price was very high, but we had to pay for something that previously belonged to our country. Icebreaker rescue vessel Deimos, towage supply vessels Neftegas 6,14, 16, 22,52, 56, 60, semisubmersible vessel Transshelf, and drilling vessel Mikhail Mirchink were also sold in good working condition. This was the way they cared about research work on the Russian shelf. As a result it led to the off-period of research work on the shelf. It is good that in the recent years the situation has changed for the better. In the last six months Gazflot has been joined by two semisubmersible drilling rigs and one jack up rig, that will contribute to the exploration of Arctic and Far East shelf. Both state and oil and gas companies should be aware of the fact that if we will not start exploring the shelf, our neighbours will do that for us. Norway has already started geological research works at the shelf of Grey Zone, a part of that was given to it after signing the agreement. Yes, it is costly, and yes, it is dangerous, but it is unavoidable. Enough to say that only Great Britain and Norway are carrying out 168 and 117 shelf projects. Of all the countries running shelf projects Russia is on the 13 th place, having the richest shelf deposits of oil and gas in the world. Arcticheskaya is lucky to have such specialists But, coming back to Arcticheskaya drilling rig. Working place of Valdimir Pshenichko is main control station, together with shipboard helicopter control centre and units for radio communication, navigation and broadcasting. Vladimir Pshenichko told me, that to provide safety on each drilling rig on the port side and starboard side there is survival equipment – motor boats and rescue boats 38 ìàðò 2012 ¹ 1(19) ÌóðìàíøåëüôÈíôî
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