МурманшельфИнфо. 2012, N 1 (19).
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On the other hand – the lack of needed institutional and legislative basics of cluster policy, both on the federal and regional levels, hierarchy structure of the regional economy, determining dependence on decisions of managing companies – serve as obstacles for formation and functioning of the clusters. As transformation of traditional branch and corporate structure in the direction of cluster formation is the main content of transition from centralized (hierarchy) type of the regional structure to modern and more competitive network regions, the region needs develop approaches and shaped cluster policy (with specific mechanisms of state administration), which should become one of the priorities of state administration in the process of guaranteeing sustainable economic growth and enhancement of competitive ability of the regional economy. All mentioned above needs, besides financial and technical resources, considerable personnel potential. Implementation of Shtokman will require many engineers; also there is the demand in specialists of working specialities. Besides that it is important to understand, that high professional and ethnic requirements will be raised towards the workers. And it means not only correspondence to the profile of the competence, computer skills and knowledge of modern programs, but also mastery of English, creativity of thinking, learnability, ability to work in team, discipline. Complex development of Murmansk transport hub will give new impulse to the development of town and port, which will be in the process of development also due to construction of terminals on the Western bank of the bay. In, approximately, 5 years, it will double cargo turnover of the port, and in its turn, it will contribute to speeding up the positive trends not only in the municipal, but also in the regional economy. The capacity of the labor market due to the project will be extended by over 2 thousand vacant working places, primarily of engineer field. Also there will be need for workers and different types of specialities: locksmith, builders, mechanics, designers, stevedores. Construction of oil refinery plant on the western bank of the Kola Bay will create about 1800 working places. Together with the plant it is planned to build the whole infrastructure: commodity and raw materials basis, port (berthing facilities, harbor vessels, bases, etc.), pipelines. Creation of tourist - recreational territories of regional significance can become the first step on the way of changing the tourist sector of the Murmansk regional economy. Their formation is the way to efficient use of rich natural, historical and cultural peculiarity of the Kola North, and the first step here is the creation of competitive tourist cluster. Expected increase of tourist flow stipulates increase of demands in the specialists in the sphere of tourist industry. Here are meant the personnel of collective places of accommodation, guides, and instructors of mountain skiing complexes, staff of tourist and information centers, tourism managers. In this connection it is important to note, that nowadays over half of the educational directions and specialities, implemented in the higher educational establishments and vocational colleges in the Murmansk region – are from humanitarian sphere. We believe, that this situation does not reflect modern or perspective demands of the labor market, because there is registered growth in demand, or even personnel starvation for the specialists of engineering field. And, perhaps, due to this fact it is high time to formulate the task to strengthen the role of our region, as a center of training professional and scientific staff, formation of professional environment among new generation, including such prospect spheres of regional economy, as development of offshore oil and gas complex, oil and gas refining. Nowadays the progress is directly connected with the smart economy, and such things, as competitive products and services, as objects of management, but also smart system of managing strategic social and economic development, including adequate selection of basic values and priority objectives, efficient architecture of responsible authorities and competitive management technologies, can be named a reflection of this smart economy. March 2012 ¹ 1 (19) MurmanshelfInfo 11
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