Мурманшельфинфо. 2011, №3.

Contents Magazine of Suppliers for Oil and Gas Industry ¹ 3 (16) JUNE 2011 Establishers: Murmanshelf Association of Suppliers for Oil and Gas Industry (info@murmanshelf.ru) , Resource Centre ltd. (www.rc51.ru ) Publisher: Resource Centre Ltd. Director General Elena Petrova (petrovae@rc51.ru ). Editor-in-Chief, Doctor of Economics, Professor Olga Buch (olgabuch@yandex.ru) , Manager/Translator Anna Bystrova (manager@rc51.ru) Layout Designer Albina Tataurova (design@rc51.ru) . MurmanshelfInfo magazine is registered in Federal Service for Supervision in the sphere of communication and mass media of the Russian Federation on October 28, 2008. Certificate No PI ¹ FS77-33782. The magazine is published 5 times a year in Russian and in English. When using the magazine’s materials, reference to the magazine is obligatory. The content of advertising texts is advertiser’s responsibility. On issues relating to advertising in the magazine please contact Editorial office. Editorial office, Publisher address: Vorovskogo st.,14, Murmansk, 183038, Russia. Tel/Fax + 7 8152 55-41-53. Passed for printing 29 April 2011. Press run 2 000. Order ¹ 3760. Open price. MurmanshelfInfo is printed by Sky LTD. Address of the Printing House: 197110, Russia Sky LTD. St. Petersburg, Vzlyotnaya str., 11/1, lit.A, Saint Petersburg. Photos are provided by article writers, A. Borisenko, Hammerfest Kommune, Eiliv Leren, Polarbase (NorSeaGroup). Of the first page of cover is the photo: photo by NPA Sevmorgeologia. The back cover illustration is taken from the official site of Shtokman Development AG www.shtokman.ru 14 Murmanshelf Info 40 45 News 4 Suppliers and supply Association Murmanshelf - 5 years of successful development G. Stratiy 9 Potential and complications in local suppliers development in the North of Norway A. Voskoboynikov 27 Logistics Safety at sea - challenges in the Barents Sea T. E. Berg, B. Kvamstad 14 Optimization of technical parameters of system of sea transporting of liquefied natural gas in the Arctic conditions A. Anisimov, V. Berejnoy, A. Diashev, S. Ivankov 21 Ecology Prospects of renewable energy development in the Murmansk region Y. Sergeev 40 Oil and gas industry Oil can be extracted both at offshore and ashore Y. Banko 45 Нефть можно добывать и в море, и с берега Ю. Банько Oil can be extracted bothat offshore and ashore Y. Banko Безопасность на море - вызовы в Баренцевом море Т. Е. Берг, Б. Квамштад Safety at sea – challenges in the Barents Sea T. E. Berg, B. Kvamstad Перспективы развития возобновляемой энергетики в Мурманской области Ю. Сергеев Prospects of renewable energy development in the Murmansk region Y. Sergeev