МурманшельфИнфо. 2010, N 4 (13).
December 2010 ¹ 4 (13) MurmanshelfInfo 5 Íîâîñòè News Ðåçóëüòàòîì âñòðå÷è ñòàëà ïðåäâàðèòåëüíàÿ äîãîâîð¸í- íîñòü «North Energy» è Àññîöèàöèè «Ìóðìàíøåëüô» îá ó÷àñòèè â ñîâìåñòíîì ïðîåêòå, öåëüþ êîòîðîãî áóäåò âû- ÿâëåíèå âîçìîæíîñòåé è ïîòåíöèàëà, êîòîðûì ðàñïîëàãàåò ïðîìûøëåííûé ñåêòîð Ðîññèè è Íîðâåãèè äëÿ äàëüíåéøå- ãî ñîòðóäíè÷åñòâà è ñîâìåñòíîãî ó÷àñòèÿ â íåôòåãàçîâûõ ïðîåêòàõ íà øåëüôå Àðêòèêè. Prospects for cooperation On November 2 nd 2010 a meeting with the representatives of the organisation North Energy took place in the office of Murmanshelf Association. North Energy is an oil company engaged in research and production. The head office is situated in the town of Alta, Finmark. North Energy owns 13 licences of oil fields, 6 of them are located in the Barents Sea, 5 – in the Norwegian Sea and 2 in the North Sea. North Energy is also the operator of Vogar oilfield in the Norwegian Sea. It is the first company in northern Norway which got the status of an operator on the Norwegian continental shelf. The company is only 3 years old but it has set a goal to become a leader in oil and gas sector in the north of Norway. The participants of the meeting discussed the problems facing small and medium-sized businesses both in Norway and in Russia at the stage of preliminary qualification and in tender procedures and the possible ways of solving them. The news of the oil and gas industry, the progress in the realisation of the projects were also spoken about. Themeeting resulted in a letter contract between North Energy and Murmanshelf Association on participation in the joint project aimed at investigating the possibilities and potential of the industrial sector of Russia and Norway for further cooperation and joint participation in oil and gas projects on the Arctic shelf. New oil field on the shelf of the Republic of Vietnam On August 4 th 2010 the jack-up drilling rig “Murmanskaya” owned by FSUE Arktikvorneftegasrazvedka completed the drilling of well R-32 on the shelf of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam in the South China Sea. On the field “Dragon” the team of seamen and oil-industry workers staffed with Russian specialists reached the depth of 4 153meters. Then thewellbore testing period began in five places. Tests on the first four resulted in nothing but the perforation of the fifth one produced oil flow from the lower Miocene sediment at the depth of 3000 metres, which means a discovery of a new oil field on the shelf of the Republic of Vietnam. 29/10/2010 a meeting was held in the Ministry of Education and Science of the Murmansk region by the working group on organisation of a system of personnel training and retraining in the Murmansk region to satisfy the needs of the Shtokman gas condensate field development project for qualified personnel. The agenda included the following items: expected needs of Shtokman Development AG for specialists and criteria for potential employees selection, the Murmansk region enterprises needs for personnel - results of the research done by suppliers of oil and gas industry, qualitative characteristics of the labour market in the Murmansk region and sources of recruiting the personnel, educational institutions plans for developing programmes of specialists in oil and gas industry. The decision was made to discuss this issue again at the enlarged meeting of coordination council on staffing the Murmansk region with the assistance of the potential project contractors. Новое месторождение ... на шельфе Республики Вьетнам Ñàìîïîäú¸ìíàÿ áóðîâàÿ óñòàíîâêà «Ìóðìàíñêàÿ», ïðè- íàäëåæàùàÿ ÔÃÓÏ «Àðêòèêìîðíåôòåãàçðàçâåäêà», 4 àâãóñòà 2010ã. óñïåøíî çàâåðøèëà áóðåíèå ñêâàæèíû R-32 íà øåëü- ôå ñîöèàëèñòè÷åñêîé ðåñïóáëèêè Âüåòíàì â Þæíî-Êèòàé- ñêîì ìîðå. 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