МурманшельфИнфо. 2010, N 4 (13).
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It includes a subsea production facility, offshore support platform FPSO with deadweight capacity of 110 thousand tons from which the gas will be piped to the shore, to the gas main and the LNG plant. Gazprom Dobycha Shelf undertook the task of choosing the building site and projecting the future port as seriously as possible. The sea terminal for feeding liquefied gas from the plant to gas condensate tankers is supposed to be located at the shore of the Gulf of Teriberka. The peculiar feature of the future port is difficult climatic, geological and hydrological conditions in the Gulf of Teriberka. The area is characterised by high cyclonic activity especially in cold seasons. The major factor affecting the hydrological state of the Gulf of Teriberka is a branch of the warm Gulfsream thanks to which the water area is ice-free even in the severest winters and, also tides with the average fluctuation amplitude of the sea level at 2.36 m. This factor has detremined the necessity of prospecting and research work in choosing the location of the loading terminals of the LNG plant in the Gulf of Teriberka. The choice of the optimal location and structural components of the hydraulic facilities of the sea port was made on the basis of mathematical and hydraulic modelling of the hydrodynamic conditions in the water area. In the wind tunnel of the A.N.Krylov Central Research Institute the model of the Gulf of Teriberks was exposed to winds of various directions to find out the influence of the relief on the wind velocity at different points of the area. In the wave pool the hydrodynamic conditions of different forms of the seabed in the Gulf of Teriberka were modelled. A gas condensate tanker due to its considerable size is to a great degree subjected to wind, wave and current impact when manuevering, so all these factors need to be taken into consideration in designing the port. To carry out the research a model of gas-condensate tanker was made on a scale 1 to 200. Artificial wind and rough sea conditions for the gas condensate tanker model were created with the help of wave-generator and wind tunnel to simulate different maneuvers of the gas-condensate tanker in the water area of the Gulf of Teriberka. The results of many year’s hydrometerological watch in this area were taken into consideration in simulating unfavourable wind and rough sea conditions for the gas-condensate tanker maneuvers. The maneuvers included entrance to the Gulf of Teriberka, approach to the Orlovskaya and Zavalishina Gulfs, approach to and departure from the berth (the northern and southern locations of the berth were modelled). Besides the movement of the gas- condensate tanker at moorage under different wind and sea condition was studied. The investigation proved that the northern berth location will be the safest and the most productive from navigational and commercial points of view. Gazprom Neft Shelf is to start producing oil and gas on the Prirazlomnoye field using a unique Sea ice-resistant stationary platform of the gravitation type which will be used in drilling 40 wells, 19 of them production ones. Its size is impressive - 126x126 m in its subsubstructure and 96x96 m in the top structure. The top structure of the platform which consists of nine main systems and about a hundred subsystems has been built by domestic companies in the last two years. The capacity of the platform tanks is about 100 thousand tons of oil which can be fed to tankers of the ice class. Steel boards 32 millimetres thick and a five-metre layer of concrete will protect them from ice pressure. Marine transport system of oil shipment and platform supply as well as the necessary coastal infrastructure are to be created. The maximum yearly output of 7 million tons of oil is supposed to be reached. This November the platform is expected to arrive at the Kola Bay and to be loaded with 100 thousand tons of cement ballast at the roadstead of shiprepyard 35 SRZ. Gazprom Dobycha Shelf has worked out a complex plan of gas field constructing and equipping in the of theGulfs of Ob and Taz. Gazflot,asubsidiiaryofGazpromhasdiscoveredanumberoflarge oil fields within several years, among them Chugoryakhinskoye, Severo-Kamennomyskoye, Kamennomyskoye, Obskoye, Semakovskoye, Aderpayutinskoye, Antipayutinskoye. As the December 2010 ¹ 4 (13) MurmanshelfInfo 31
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