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Also in the frames of existing formulations on tax holidays for tax on mineral production it is possible to have negative understanding, according to which it is difficult to use this benefit, and the effective term of its use (counted from the date of license issue) is cut down, if the factual oil production starts much later from the date of license issue. Not including the continental shelf to the territory of the Russian Federation for VAT purposes leads to impossibility of reimbursement of incoming VAT that in its turn increases the capital investment of investors. Another question that is not solved in the current legislation is about the moment of appearance of customs territory on artificial islands and stationary platforms and custom regimes of goods import for the platform. Material and technical provision of the rig and exploitation of stationary platforms at the shelf explains the necessity of following administrative procedures, connected to border control, and lead to additional time and organizational difficulties for the participants of shelf projects. Though formally, according to the legislation on the shelf, the rights of the Russian Federation do not touch the legal status of the waters covering it, the issues of the necessity of getting a permission for water usage is still open. So according to the opinion of the advisers of BDO Russia, to remove all the legal uncertainties and forming transparent administrative procedures, improving the legislation as a measure of state support of shelf projects should have a systematic, not “point” character. System connection of existing in the legislation uncertainties and legal gaps can be illustrated at the example of sea stationary platforms. Sea platforms Sea deposits can be quipped with different sorts of oil and gas productions, including stationary and floating platforms, consisting of several production complexes except for rigs. Out of our practical experience, within the frames of current legislation, installation and exploitation of sea stationary platforms are related to large amount of legislatively unsolved issues for license holders and (or) owners. So we should start with the fact that the legislation does not contain the definition of a work sea platform, classification of platforms from the point of view of concrete technical characteristics and correlation of this notion with the words artificial island, construction, and installation. In practice it leads for example to either contradictory decisions, or clarifications of authorities about the fact that such platforms upon the consideration of their owners can be registered like sea-going vessels in ships registers. At the same time a clear definition of the status of stationary sea platforms is of great importance for the economy of shelf projects and the possibility of using different contract structures for attracting investors, including foreign. In this article, let’s briefly mention some of possible practical consequences of uncertain legal status of platforms depending on the exploitation stage. During the installation stage one of the key issues is the moment of forming the tax and custom territory during the installation and (building) of platforms. This issue is actual in particular for definition both tax regimes and rule for customs clearance of importing the goods to shelf both from the land part of Russia and from abroad. According to the current legislation works on contraction of platform on the shelf are not covered by VAT tax, that leads to impossibility of reimbursement of incoming VAT during such works and correspondingly, to cost increase during the start of exploitation of the platform December 2010 ¹ 4 (13) MurmanshelfInfo 25