МурманшельфИнфо. 2010, N 4 (13).
çàêà÷àòü 130 òûñÿ÷ òîíí áåòîíà. Ýòîò áåòîí îáåñïå÷àò äâà çàâîäà, êîòîðûå áóäóò ðàçâåðíóòû íà òåððèòîðèè «35 ÑÐÇ». Ìèêñåðàìè áåòîí áóäåò äîñòàâëÿòüñÿ ê íàñîñàì, à îò íèõ ïî áåòîíîâîäàì áóäåò ïîñòóïàòü âíóòðü «Ïðèðàçëîìíîé». Îñàä- êà áóðîâîé ïëàòôîðìû ïîñëå çàêà÷êè áåòîíà óâåëè÷èòñÿ ñ 8 äî 16,7 ìåòðîâ. Óæå íà ìåñòå ïîñòàíîâêè íà ìåñòîðîæäåíèè, ïîñëå ïðèíÿ- òèÿ âîäíîãî áàëëàñòà, å¸ îñàäêà äîñòèãíåò 19 ìåòðîâ. Ïðè¸ì «Ïðèðàçëîìíîé» íà «35 ÑÐÇ» ïîòðåáîâàë îò ÎÎÎ «Ãàçïðîì íåôòü øåëüô», ÎÀÎ ÏÎ «Ñåâìàø», «Global Maritime Scotland Project Ltd», ÔÃÓÏ «ÓÍÈÈ èìåíè àäìèðà- ëà À.Í. Êðûëîâà» è ìóðìàíñêèõ ñóäîðåìîíòíèêîâ ñåðü¸ç- íîé ïîäãîòîâêè. Íà «35 ÑÐÇ» áûëè ïðîâåäåíû ðàáîòû ïî ìîäåðíèçàöèè ýíåðãîñèñòåì è êîììóíèêàöèé, ãðóçîïîäú- ¸ìíûõ ìåõàíèçìîâ è ïðè÷àëîâ. Ïîäãîòîâëåíû ïëîùàäêè äëÿ ðàçìåùåíèÿ äâóõ áåòîííûõ çàâîäîâ. stormy conditions, when the gusts of wind achieved 27 meters a second, nevertheless, transportation of the huge drilling platform, which does not have analogs in Russia, was successfully completed. In Murmansk 1200 specialists during the winter period will carry out works on completing building at Prirazlomnaya, installation of integrated cable system, accomplishment of living module, they will also do corps, electric and technical, pipeline and start-up works. It is clear, that all mentioned above works could be done in Severodvonsk, but the operation, which should be started at Prirazlomnaya in April 2011, could not be implemented at shallow depth of the Sevmash water zone. 130 thousand tons of concrete should be pumped into the caisson cell. This concrete would be provided by two factories, located at Ship Repair Plant 35 repair plant. With the help of mixers the concrete will be brought to the pump, and from the pumps via concrete culverts it will come inside Prirazlomnaya. The draught of the drilling platform after pumping will increase from 8 up to 16,7 meters. And already at the anchoring area on the field, after taking water ballast, its draught will achieve 19 meters. To have the ability to accept Prirazlomnaya at Ship Repair Plant 35 repair plant it was necessary for LLC, Gazprom neft shelf, JSC PO, Sevmash, Global Maritime Scotland Project, Lt», Institute, named after A.N.Krylov Central Research and Murmansk ship repair companies to do serious preparatory work. At Ship Repair Plant 35 repair plant were carried out works on modernization of energy systems communications, lifting devices and berths. Sites for location of two concrete factories were prepared. Upon completion of ballasting, Prirazlomnaya will be tugged to Prirazlomnoe field in Pechora Sea in summer 2011 and will be located in the point of carrying out drilling works and oil production. It is planned to produce 21000ì 3 of oil daily. Estimated period of producing oil is 25 years. But even after that Prirazlomnaya will be in-demand. Near that field there are located some other oil deposits, the oil from them will come to Prirazlomnaya in the production process. This platform will play the roles of oil storage house (capacity of petroleum storage on this platform is 124 thousand ì 3 ) and export terminal. Production platform Prirazlomnaya is a complicated complex, including drilling, technological, energy and living modules. There are created good conditions for rest of the crew members of the drilling platform: single and double cabins with individual WC-and-bathroomunits. Offices are equipped with all necessary office machines. There is equipped medical center, which can rarely be seen even in hospitals. Here are also created conditions for spending free time. There are several washing machines in the laundry; also there is small but very cozy sauna, dream of any sauna lover. Such approach to concern for people does credit to the leadership of JSC, Gazprom and LLC, Gazprom neft shelf, sending their specialists to monthly business trips to the drilling platform. Deputy Director General of JSC, PO, Sevmash Valery Borodin noted, that there had never been built offshore constructions of such size in Russia before. In the building process were involved more than 30 subcontracting organizations, about 100 enterprises, a few score of institutes and design engineering bureaus, among which there are such enterprises as CJSC, Morneftegazproject, CEB MT Rubin, CEB Korall, VNIPImorneftegaz, Shelf, SDPC Termneft, suppliers of equipment from the USA, countries of Western Europe and Asia. It is extremely important, that during construction of Prirazlomnaya national enterprises have been accumulating the experience, adopting technologies of foreign partners. All together in the process of designing and constructing of Prirazlomnaya took part about 5000 thousand people. The order of Gazprom allowed loading with work the center of subsea nuclear ship building in the hardest period, preserve the personnel potential of the enterprise, start the process of reorientation of the part of production capacities for the release of oil and gas equipment. During the process of building Prirazlomnaya were worked out advanced technologies of underwater welding, cargo-handling operations on shifting large objects, design engineers had good practice, was mastered 3D designing. Vladimir Vovk said: «Next year we are planning to fix the Ïî çàâåðøåíèè áàëëàñòèðîâêè, «Ïðèðàçëîìíàÿ» ëåòîì 2011 ãîäà áóäåò îòáóêñèðîâàíà íà ìåñòîðîæäåíèå Ïðèðàç- ëîìíîå â Ïå÷îðñêîì ìîðå è âñòàíåò â òî÷êå ïðîâåäåíèÿ áó- ðîâûõ ðàáîò è äîáû÷è íåôòè. Åæåñóòî÷íî ïðåäïîëàãàåòñÿ äîáûâàòü 21000 ì 3 íåôòè. Ïðåäïîëîæèòåëüíûé ñðîê äîáû- ÷è íåôòè - 25 ëåò. Íî è ïîñëå ýòîãî «Ïðèðàçëîìíàÿ» áóäåò âîñòðåáîâàíà. Âîçëå ýòîãî ìåñòîðîæäåíèÿ ðàñïîëàãàåòñÿ åùå íåñêîëüêî ìåñòîðîæäåíèé íåôòè, êîòîðàÿ â ïðîöåññå äîáû÷è áóäåò ïîñòóïàòü íà «Ïðèàðçëîìíóþ». Ýòà ïëàòôîð- ìà ñòàíåò âûïîëíÿòü ðîëü õðàíèëèùà íåôòè (âìåñòèìîñòü íåôòåõðàíèëèù ýòîé ïëàòôîðìû 124 òûñÿ÷è ì 3 ) è îòãðó- çî÷íîãî òåðìèíàëà. Äîáû÷íàÿ ïëàòôîðìà «Ïðèðàçëîìíàÿ» ïðåäñòàâëÿåò èç ñåáÿ ñëîæíåéøèé êîìïëåêñ, âêëþ÷àþùèé â ñåáÿ áóðîâîé, òåõíîëî- ãè÷åñêèé, ýíåðãåòè÷åñêèé è æèëîé ìîäóëè. Äëÿ ÷ëåíîâ ýêèïà- æà áóðîâîé ïëàòôîðìû ñîçäàíû îòëè÷íûå óñëîâèÿ äëÿ îòäû- õà: îäíî- è äâóõìåñòíûå êàþòû ñ èíäèâèäóàëüíûì ñàíóçëîì è äóøåì. 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