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On the 29 th of October 2002 in the Kola Bay, not far from the settlement Rosljakovo anchored huge drilling platform Hatton of TLP type, built in the city of Aberdeen in Scotland, with the height exceeding 160 meters and tonnage of 75 thousand tons. The operation on transportation of this drilling platform from Vadso fjord, located near Stavanger, by Swedish, Norwegian and British tugs took 21 days. The operation was planned and implemented by English company Global Maritime. Appearance of drilling platform Hatton was perceived by the dwellers of the Kola Peninsula as the long-waited “portent”, witnessing serious intentions of large oil and gas producing companies to start development of the arctic offshore fields. Rosneft, having paid for Hatton 67 million dollars to the Norwegian company Carmaggy, procured it for CJSC Sevmorneftegaz, so that it was possible to remove the upper part of the drilling platform, put it to the ice-resistant foundation, having received by that means, Offshore ice-resistant fixed platform for works on Prirazlomnoe field. During four months while negotiations concerning procurement of drilling platform were in progress, while it was tugged to the Kola Bay, on Sevmash was not only designed project of future unique ice-resistant platform, but also was started mantling of metal constructions for its future foundation, the so called caisson. According to the draft plan the platform should have had the following size: 126õ126 meters in the lower part and 96õ96 meters in the upper part. According to the leadership of Gazprom and Rosneft the drilling platform should have been brought to Prirazlomnoe field already in 2004, where from the Pechora Sea was planned to produce 7 million ì 3 of oil annually. Unfortunately the plans were not implemented by the settled time schedule. The whole range of reasons, why it happened combined together here, they influenced the terms of bringing the field into operation. Specialists of Rosneft, buying drilling platform Hatton did not take into consideration, that it had been designed for functioning in conditions, different from the arctic ones. And although the specialists of the company Kellog Brown and rut, designing this platform after conducted expertise confirmed high quality of the equipment, it is clear, that this equipment should be replaced, it would be caused by extreme weather conditions, under which the main knots and mechanisms should be exploited. And if for functioning in the North Sea, calculations were made, taking into consideration the temperature of -20 degrees, then in the Barents Sea it can drop to – 50 degrees. In the result of such procurement, the upper part had to be designed and built almost anew, and it influenced the date of platform’s delivery to the customer. In 2003 in the Kola Bay was implemented a unique operation on “unberthing” of the upper construction of the drilling platform Hatton, weighing 19 thousand tons, from six footings, and its transportation to Severodvinsk. During the works, the projects MISP platform had to be reconsidered, dismantle integrated cable system, pipelines and equipment of the upper part of Hatton taking into consideration new technical solutions, to create new modules. In 2005 were mated 5 superblocks and formed caisson. In autumn 2006 was implemented knurling of the upper part to the caisson. Main works on mantling equipment and systems of the platform, drilling ring, cranes, helicopter pad, installation of mechanisms and facilities were carried out in 2009-2010. At the II Arctic Murmansk International Economic Forum Director General of LLC, Gazprom dobycha shelf (GDS) and LLC, Gazprom neft shelf (GNS) Alexander Mandel said, that only for the last two years, practically by their own means was constructed the upper part of this platform, including nine main complexes and about one hundred of different systems. Unfortunately, expenditures for creating drilling platform Prirazlomnaya eventually comprised instead of 750 million dollars more than 3 billion dollars, and the start of oil production December 2010 ¹ 4 (13) MurmanshelfInfo 17
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