МурманшельфИнфо. 2010, N 4 (13).
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The purpose of its creation is creation and usage for the project ( and not only)of a single renewable source of information on Russian oil and gas companies and companies in the Russian Federation, services offered, equipment and accessories. It should be noted that this source of information plays an important role for foreign companies that are not always good and reasonably familiar with the Russian oil and gas market. The resource is for information, it has an open access and can be successfully used for the main contractors of the Company, its partners, associations, suppliers and oil and gas community. Shtokman Development AG is regularly running information activities and implements initiatives to promote and attract Russian companies in major industry meetings and forums, specialized exhibitions and events organized by suppliers’ associations of oil and gas industry. In addition, the company itself conducts individual special meetings and workshops. In order to maximize the involvement of Russian industry, Shtokman Development AG collaborates with various organizations and industry associations, that act as a bridge and unite Russian enterprises. In the Murmansk region such a link is the Murmanshelf Association. The project is based on the principle of transparency. Shtokman Development AG intends to fully and openly inform about their plans and measures aimed at attracting Russian companies, as well as provides the necessary clarifications. Shtokman Development AG and the Government of the Murmansk region in the framework of the project on integrated development of the Shtokman gas field have agreed to establish working groups for bilateral cooperation: Working Group on Information interaction with the media of the Murmansk Region; Working Group on inviting enterprises of the Murmansk region to the project ; Working Group on the organization of training and retraining of specialists system in the Murmansk region to ensure the staff needs of the Project; Working Group on usage of transport and logistics infrastructure of the Murmansk region; Working Group on the use of power supply system of the Murmansk region; Working group on land management and environmental protection. Investments in the areas of the project implementation will have a long-term beneficial impact on sustainable development of the Barents Sea region, and will contribute to the development of local and regional economy, as well as will create additional jobs. Штокман Девелопмент АГ Shtockman Development AG December 2010 ¹ 4 (13) MurmanshelfInfo 11
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