МурманшельфИнфо. 2010, N 1 (10).

Федеральное государственное унитарное пред- приятие «Атомфлот» (ФГУП «Атомфлот») входит в Го- сударственную корпорацию по атомной энергии «Росатом». Не так давно, 3 декабря 2009 года, ра- ботники предприятия отметили 50-летие атомного ледокольного флота России. ФГУП «Атомфлот» стал родным домом, местом стоянки, ремонта и обслужи- вания для атомных ледоколов. Еще совсем недавно были опасения, что в связи с реорганизацией управления атомным ледоколь- ным флотом, и передачей его из доверительного управления Мурманским морским пароходством, произойдет развал этого важнейшего предприятия. Но итоги прошедшего года работы ФГУП «Атомфлот» в новых условиях показывают обратное. ФГУП «АТОМФЛОТ»: вчера, сегодня, завтра. Перспективы развития Северного морского пути FGUP “ATOMFLOT”: yesterday, today, tomorrow Northern Sea Route – prospects for development Юрий БАНЬКО by Yuri BANKO Капитан А/Л «Ленин» Александр Баринов The captain A/L “Lenin” Alexander Barinov The federal state-owned enterprise “Atomflot” (FGUP “Atomflot”) is a division of the State corporation of atomic energy “Rosatom”. The staff of the enterprise has recently celebrated the 50th anniversary of the atomic ice breaker fleet of Russia. FGUP “Atomflot” has become home, mooring, repair and service centre for atomic ice - breakers. Not long ago there was apprehension that reorganization of the ice- breaker fleet management and transfer of the ownership from the Murmansk shipping company to the enterprise might lead to its disintegration. But the last year results achieved by FGUP “Atomflot” under new conditions prove the opposite. The results are inspiring, the prospects are impressive. The history of the fleet started half a century ago when a workshop of Leningrad Admiralty plant called Base-92 was built on the western shore of the Kolsky Bay a couple kilometers from the settlement of Rosta. It was intended for the temporary stay of the atomic ice-breaker Lenin, the firstling of the civil atomic shipbuilding, which arrived there on May, 6th 1960. The base started to grow and develop at a brisk pace since March 1968. It was at that time that the USSR Government made a decision to build three atomic ice-breakers of the Arktika type and to set up coastal facilities for moorage and maintenance service of the atomic ice-breakers, including reactors and their auxiliary systems repairs, for storage and utilization of radioactive waste and effluent, for overcharging reactors. In the past years the repair and technology enterprise “Atomflot” has turned into an up-to-date high-tech complex. Having survived ups and downs, keen interest and oblivion it is gradually improving the difficult situation it found itself in the period of economic reforms in Russia. Today it is certain that the way out of this difficult situation and prospects for the development of the enterprise are connected with its entry to the State corporation of atomic energy “Rosatom”, with formation of the integrated atomic ice-breaker technological complex FGUP “Atomflot” and March 2010 № 1 (10) MurmanshelfInfo 19