МурманшельфИнфо. 2009, N 2 (7)

Àãåíòèðîâàíèå Agency service June 2009 ¹ 2 (7) MurmanshelfInfo 53 - We stick to our main principle distinguishing us from others. – Mikhail KRAPLYA , Director of Cape of Nadezhda Co.Ltd told to our magazine. – We know that a vessel lives at sea, so it is to be processes as fast as possible in the port. This is our policy. All the issues are to be solved maximally efficient. Economic efficiency of the vessels having very strict schedule of port calls largely depends on professional abilities of the agent, that is why our work starts good before the ship enters the port. In the current context laws and rules often change faster than the captain gets information on these alterations. One of our main tasks is to provide assistance in correct completion of necessary papers, declarations, notices, and notifications. Some of the documents are to be provided three days before the vessel calls at the port. Without this preparatory work the vessel can not possibly get the proper and prompt service at the port. All that makes personal abilities and efficiency of the agent to the key factors for duration of the port call. To be an efficient agent one should have a mediator talent, as it is impossible to have the complete information, to know the details, formalities and traditions of all ports around the world. When the ship is calling at a foreign port Murmansk agents also appoint a local agent. Here we initially launched the company for our own purposes, to serve our ships. Then other companies started to appoint us. They liked the service and recommended us to their partners. - We are well placed to carry out the technical management upon the ship owner’s request. – Mikhail says. – Of course, these are the ship owners who decide what is needed in terms of repair and supplies but our regular customers appoint us to do this. We send our specialists, they detect the problem and decide, whether there is a need to involve a subcontracting company or the crew can solve the problem by themselves and if so, what is needed to be supplied to do that. Our activities are developing at the interface of different fleets – fishery, merchant and refrigeration cargo fleets; we also work with research vessels and small-capacity fleet. Thus, we cover the whole spectrum of vessels calling at our port. Based on our experience and ability to see the situation from different points of view we sometimes manage to propose absolutely unexpected solutions. For example, some years ago one of the research vessels needed to have installed a winch for towing of the acoustic sonde. The price and delivery terms of a foreign winch did not suit the ship owner. We proposed to mount the winch from the fish-searching trawler. In result the problem was solved in due time and cost-efficiently. From its first day the Cape of Nadezhda Co.Ltd chose the way of progressive advance and gradually transformed into an efficient system, consolidating trust relations with the partners, introducing high-quality package service. A solid and united team with its corporative traditions has been formed. The company developed its own strategy - Ãëàâíûé ïðèíöèï äåÿòåëüíîñòè íàøåãî ïðåäïðèÿ- òèÿ, êîòîðûé îòëè÷àåò íàñ îò äðóãèõ, - ñêàçàë äèðåêòîð ÎÎÎ «Ìûñ Íàäåæäû» Ìèõàèë ÊÐÀÏËß æóðíàëó «ÌÈ», - ñóäíî æèâåò â ìîðå, ïîýòîìó îíî äîëæíî áûòü ìàêñè- ìàëüíî áûñòðî îáðàáîòàíî â ïîðòó. Ýòî íàøà ïîëèòèêà. Âñå âîïðîñû äîëæíû ðåøàòüñÿ ìàêñèìàëüíî è ýôôåê- òèâíî. Îò ïðîôåññèîíàëüíûõ êà÷åñòâ àãåíòà çàâèñèò ðåíòàáåëüíîñòü ñóäîâ, èìåþùèõ òâåðäîå ðàñïèñàíèå çàõîäà â òå èëè èíûå ïîðòû, ïîýòîìó íàøà ðàáîòà íà- ÷èíàåòñÿ ãîðàçäî ðàíüøå ïðèáûòèÿ ñóäíà.  ñîâðå- ìåííûõ óñëîâèÿõ çà÷àñòóþ çàêîíû è ïðàâèëà ìåíÿþòñÿ áûñòðåå, ÷åì èíôîðìàöèÿ ïîñòóïàåò êàïèòàíàì. 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