МурманшельфИнфо. 2009, N 2 (7)
Íåôòåãàçîâàÿ îòðàñëü Oil and gas МЕСТО РАБОТ – АРКТИКА Âîò óæå 15 ëåò ðàáîòàåò â Ìóðìàíñêå ôèëèàë ÎÎÎ «Ãàçôëîò», âîçãëàâëÿåìûé Áîðèñîì Ïàëü÷èêîâûì. Âñå ýòè ãîäû ôèëèàë ïëàíîìåðíî âûïîëíÿë ãåîëîãî- ðàçâåäî÷íûå ðàáîòû, à â áëèæàéøåå âðåìÿ ïðèñòóïèò è ê îñâîåíèþ îòêðûòûõ ìåñòîðîæäåíèé íà Ïå÷îðñêîì øåëüôå Áàðåíöåâà ìîðÿ, â Îáñêîé è Òàçîâñêîé ãóáàõ Êàðñêîãî ìîðÿ. Ñ 1994 ïî 2009 ãîäû ÎÎÎ «Ãàçôëîò» îò- êðûë 3 íåôòÿíûõ ìåñòîðîæäåíèÿ â Ïå÷îðñêîì ìîðå ñ çàïàñàìè â 350 ìèëëèîíîâ òîíí íåôòè, à òàêæå 4 ìåñ- òîðîæäåíèÿ ïðèðîäíîãî ãàçà â Îáñêîé ãóáå ñ îáùèìè çàïàñàìè áîëåå òðèëëèîíà êóáîìåòðîâ. Èìåííî ýòîé êîìïàíèåé áûëà ïîñòàâëåíà ïîñëåäíÿÿ òî÷êà â ïðîâåäåíèè äîðàçâåäêè Øòîêìàíîâñêîãî ÃÊÌ. Ëåòîì 2006 ãîäà, èñïîëüçóÿ ïîëóïîãðóæíóþ áóðîâóþ ïëàòôîðìó «Deepsea Delta», àðåíäîâàííóþ ó íîðâåæ- ñêîé êîìïàíèè «Norsk Hydro», ÎÎÎ «Ãàçôëîò» âûïîëíèë áóðåíèå ñåäüìîé (ïîñëåäíåé) ðàçâåäî÷íîé ñêâàæèíû íà Øòîêìàíîâñêîì ÃÊÌ, ïðèðàñòèâ çàïàñû ãàçà íà 400 ìèëëèàðäîâ êóáîìåòðîâ. 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In the summer of 2006 they used the Deepsea Delta semi-submersible drilling platform rented from the Norsk Hydro to drill the seventh (and the last) exploratory well in the Shtokman field, which added other 400 bcm to the already estimated reserves. Environmentally safe technologies, so-called zero dumping, were applied in drilling: all the waste, incl. slime and driller’s mud was transported in special containers to be disposed on the coast. Owing to the research conducted it became possible to specify the structure of the productive horizons, to obtain information on the filtering and capacity characteristics of the horizons all across the field. Today the company operates its own self-elevating drilling rig Amazon and a floating drilling complex Obsky built and customised at the Tyumen shipyard. In the years to come Gazflot intends to enlarge its stock of drilling units, which will include a self-elevating drilling rig Arkticheskaya , which is being built at the Zvezdochka Shipyard. Several sixth-generation drilling rigs for the Shtokman project are to be built at the Vyborg shipyard, with which Gazflot signed a contract in November 2007 for building 2 modern rigs capable of operating at low temperatures, in high storms, in the ice bound seas. The initial phase of the project is characterized by a very quick pace. In compliance with the contract, topsides for the two semi-submersible drilling platforms will be supplied by the South Korean Samsung Heavy Industries. According to the schedule the work is to be completed in the third quarter of 2010, when Samsung Heavy Industries will deliver the topside facilities for the second rig to the Vyborg Shipyard. The term of delivery to the customer, Gazflot, has also been set: the first platform is to be ready in 2010, the second one – in 2011. These are short-term prospects; meanwhile the ships of the company’s support fleet are operating successfully at sea. Four vessels (three transport- towing ships and a crane ship Gazshelf ) provided for the operations of the drilling rigs in the Gulfs of Ob and Taz. The transport-towing ship Kuban after being completely modernized in Croatia, worked in the Pechora Sea, the Gulfs of Baidara and Ob during the navigation season 2008. Gazflot’s research vessel Akademik Golitsin worked in the Barents Sea along the future route of the subsea pipeline from the Shtokman field to shore, this year it is monitoring the route of the South Stream pipeline in the Black Sea. In addition, Gazflot has employed two ice-breakers belonging to Sevmorneftegaz – Vladislav Strizhov and Yury Topchev . At present the crews of both vessels are gaining a priceless experience of working alongside the Orlan platform in the Arctic area taking part in the Sakhalin-1 project. Management of Gazflot realizes that efficient operation of new facilities and equipment depends on the qualifications and professional skills of its employees. That is why Gazflot has allotted over 50 million rubles to training and professional development of the staff in 2010. To coordinate this work an educational centre was established within Gazflot in May 2008. June 2009 ¹ 2 (7) MurmanshelfInfo 45
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