МурманшельфИнфо. 2009, N 2 (7)

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È ÿ óâåðåí, ÷òî ñ çàïóñêîì Øòîêìàíîâñêîãî ïðîåêòà, êîòîðûé áóäåò ðåàëèçîâàí â íåñêîëüêî ýòàïîâ, âàø ðåãèîí æäåò ñâåòëîå áóäóùåå, íî ãîòîâèòüñÿ ê íåìó íàäî óæå ñåé÷àñ. So I will advise GEP members to come here to find local partners – in order to help them to develop their facilities to meet the needs of offshore oil and gas facilities. I don’t expect many of our companies to come here and establish a subsidiary to work without partners. The success of French companies stems largely from their capacity to adapt to any type of environment – whether geographic or cultural. French companies were the first to accept the principle of local content. Today, it’s mandatory everywhere, but that wasn’t the case in the past. - Is the principle of local content more of a pragmatic policy? - It’s a policy based on pragmatism. Local content is a reality; you have to deal with it even in countries where there is no industrial background, and everything has to be built from scratch. In the Murmansk region, there are already some existing facilities. As I already mentioned, the only way for the French industry to survive is to be adaptable, innovative and efficient. Being efficient means managing the timetable and implementing the project – both the time and money aspects. This point is really critical for oil and gas projects, because the budgets are huge. A few months’ delay is a disaster for these projects, and we don’t like disasters. For example, look at the success of Total, today the 4th oil company in the world. 40 years ago, Total was hardly involved in exploration and production. They got to where they are because Total people have always been innovative, in terms of technology, and in terms of designing contracts as well. - My last question: what would you say Murmansk companies should concentrate on to make the best use of the time remaining and to become a supplier of the oil and gas industry? What would the key success factors be? - I think firstly that Murmansk companies should look for partners, but to be competitive and efficient in the future they will need to find the most suitable partners. They should look at what an international company is able to do. And they should also try to determine what the most interesting international market will be for the local company here, in the coming decades. Murmansk companies can’t do everything, but they’ll need to be efficient if they want to survive. They must adapt to oil industry requirements. To resist the competition, they’ll need to look for serious partners – a difficult and time-consuming process. Start slowly, but don’t wait too long or it will be too late. Local companies may need to make some personnel changes, or the staff may need special training by foreign companies. I am sure that among our 170 members, there are French companies that are ready to consider partnerships here with this approach. There is another issue to consider: large suppliers subcontract a lot of things. Local companies should be ready to consider subcontracting to partners. So that, they can focus on what they do best. These subcontractors should also try to find partners. This is how you build a complete network of service companies and suppliers that are able and used to working together. When Technip or Saipem or Entrepose, for instance, are too busy, they subcontract part of the job to another, smaller company. This practice is accepted by all the large oil companies as Total, BP or Shell. On the last project Total worked on in Angola, two or three main partners had contracts of up to 1 or 2 million dollars. But below them there are many subcontractors. They were all proposed by the main partners and accepted by Total. All international oil companies do business this way. That’s why you should suggest that your members follow this approach and not try to do everything by themselves. The same holds true for the subcontractors. They work for everyone, not just one company. I think the future will be bright once the Shtokman project gets started. But you need to prepare now if you don’t want to miss the opportunity. 40 èþíü 2009 ¹ 2 (7) ÌóðìàíøåëüôÈíôî