МурманшельфИнфо. 2009, N 2 (7)

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È ïðàâèòåëüñòâî Íîðâåãèè, è ïàðëàìåíò ïîíèìà- þò ðîëü è çíà÷åíèå íåôòåãàçîâîé îòðàñëè äëÿ ñòðà- íû è äåëàþò âñå îò íèõ çàâèñÿùåå, ÷òîáû ýòà îòðàñëü óñïåøíî ðàçâèâàëàñü. to development of oil and gas production in the Barents Sea, to give the companies chance to work there.’ - Bjorn Tore Godal said. - ‘We know that Russia has arctic offshore prospects and we want to take part in their realization.’ One of the cooperation areas with Russia is for Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs establishment of the Pomor zone including Norwegian and Russian territories. These could be Kirkenes and Pechenga district. Within this activity there was a decision taken in December 2008 providing for easier procedure of getting multivisas for Russian citizens. Now there is no need for invitation from the Norwegian side to apply for visa. Norway intends to vitalize scientific research in the Arctic and has allotted 700 million NOK per year for these purposes. it is building an ice-class research vessel for these activities able to carry out studies in the Arctic Ocean all the year round. Norwegian side is ready to provide further support to Russia in rectification of consequences from radioactive contamination; this refers not only to Murmansk region but to any area where it is needed. Norway also hopes for further development of transport connections. This primarily refers to use of transit potential of the Northern Sea Route in conditions of the global warming. Norway has nothing against development of the railway connection Nikel – Kirkenes, which would make possible transshipment of cargoes from trains to sea vessels in the Norwegian port. Bj ø rn Tore Godal touched upon the issue of welfare of Norwegians. This country is the 3rd biggest gas and the 5th biggest oil exporter in the world. However, only 4-5 % of the oil revenues are utilized by the state for internal needs. All the rest goes to different funds and to purchase of shares to establish the fund for future generations being one of the biggest in the world. This was the fund that allowed Norway to go relatively smoothly through the global financial crisis. Another question under discussion was utilization of the Norwegian subsea pipeline system for transportation of Russian gas for export. Bj ø rn Tore Godal considers this idea as an interesting one; however, the existing Norwegian pipeline systems have insufficient conveyance capacity. He pointed out positive changes in negotiation process on the ‘gray zone’ – disputable territory of the shelf in the Barents Sea containing huge reserves of hydrocarbon resources. Norwegian Parliament is also seriously dealing with problems of the petroleum sector. Alf Jakobsen, member of Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs of Storting, noted that today there are disputes going on between deputees from different parties on when the exploration activities in the area close to Lofoten Islands may be started. The governing Labor Party is going to regulate disputable questions in a year. On the 20 th of June Parliament is to take the decision on the development scheme for oil field discovered in 80 km from the Hammerfest, that will be operated by Eni Norge. An argument flared up on oil transportation ways from the field. Italians advocate transportation of oil by tankers for export, whereas Norwegians stand for pipeline from the field to the shore. The project’s budget amounts to 30 billion NOK. Both Norwegian Government and Parliament are aware of the role and significance of oil and gas sector for the country and do their best to promote its successful development. 34 èþíü 2009 ¹ 2 (7) ÌóðìàíøåëüôÈíôî