МурманшельфИнфо. 2009, N 2 (7)
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The recognized oil capital of Norway is Stavanger. This Norwegian city has also become an exhibition center of best achievements in exploration, extraction and processing engineering utilized in oil and gas. Since 1974 ÎNS exhibitions (Offshore Northern Seas) are held here, organized by the City of Stavanger, Stavanger Forum, StatoilHydro, and the Norwegian Petroleum Society. If in 1974 the number of ONS visitors amounted to 300 companies and 7000 people, in 2008 there were 1217 companies from 28 countries, among them 19 companies from Russia. Having spent 85 million NOK for organization of an exhibition and a four-day conference, the city and organizers received 800 million NOK. 10 years ago the Petroleum Museum was opened in the city to show the history of continental shelf development. STATOILHYDRO IN RUSSIA Over a decade and a half Statoil conducted a purposeful policy aimed at provision of its participation in development of the Shtokman gas condensate field. In October 2007 two companies – Statoil and Norsk Hydro – merged and after that the new company StatoilHydro became a full member of the consortium, formed to carry out the first phase of the Shtokman project. Experience and technologies of StatoilHydro being the world leader in subsea production technologies proved to be very useful. At the moment, when Statoil was established, all funds of the enterprise fitted into one cigar box. In 2007 the company’s income amounted to 415 billion NOK. Today the state owns not 100 % of shares but 67 %, what enabled the company to be more active in the international markets and to take part in development of international projects. However, the state still has control over 85% of oil and gas accumulating revenues for future generations in the Norwegian Government Pension Fund. StatoilHydro is developing oil and gas projects in 40 countries of the world. In many of them StatoilHydro applies the social responsibility concept and holds managerial trainings for local companies to develop their corporate social responsibility in order to prepare them for working in the oil and gas sector. One of the examples is foundation of Murmanshelf and Sozvezdye associations of suppliers for oil and gas industry three years ago in Murmansk and Arkhangelsk regions. These networks are similar to those established in Norway for Ormen Lange and Sn ø hvit projects. Benedikt Henriksen, Head of Industrial Relations and Procurement at StatoilHydro, Russia, gave some examples of educational support provided for the associations and for universities. ‘When developing offshore fields one should have knowledge, experience, up-to-date equipment and technologies, competent and reliable suppliers,’ - Benedik Henriksen says . - ‘In the very first years of the Norwegian continental shelf development we were very dependant on such countries as USA, Great Britain, and France, and experienced great need in development of the own industry to supply goods and services for oil and gas projects. Ten years had passed before Norwegian suppliers were able to take charge of the main share of contracts. The situation in Russia is easier, as it has more that 100-year experience of oil production onshore and powerful industrial potential. Now there is a need for suppliers to develop new expertise to be capable to supply products and services for offshore petroleum projects. StatoilHydro specialists together with Russian colleagues have conducted over 40 courses for employees of about 60 Russian companies. We have a database comprising more than 700 Russian companies. 80 of them have gone through a detailed analysis. The database was passed over to Shtokman Development AG. And this work is going to be continued. COMBINING BUSINESS EFFORTS For enterprises working in Stavanger a natural connecting center is Chamber of Commerce and Industry established 175 years ago. It associates 1500 companies and firms, 32 èþíü 2009 ¹ 2 (7) ÌóðìàíøåëüôÈíôî
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