МурманшельфИнфо. 2009, N 2 (7)

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Judge for yourself, in execution of the Norwegian Sn ø hvit project, which yields in its scopes to the Shtokman project, the companies comprising the Petro Arctic supplier network provided services worth 3,5 billion NOK (17,5 billion rubles). In our case investments will be much larger. Naturally, no one is going to give up such opportunities. We must prepare seriously for protection of our interests in this business, for mutually beneficial cooperation with more powerful domestic and foreign companies so that we can acquire their experience and technologies with the prospect of establishing our own offshore industry and services for oil and gas companies. - What relations does the Association have with the local executive and legislative power, with Shtokman Development AG and its shareholders? - Since the moment of its establishment in April 2006, Association of suppliers for oil and gas industry Murmanshelf, founded by the Department of Industry and Transport of the Murmansk region Government, the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, and the Northern Chamber of Commerce and Industry, has mutually beneficial partner relations with all the branches of power. This spring the Government of the region changed, but nevertheless our relations remained stable. We enjoy the support of Dmitry Dmitrienko, Governor of the Murmansk region, and his deputies. We receive great attention and support in our activities from the Murmansk Regional Duma both in the person of Evgeny Nikora, its Chairman, and specialized committees. Of strategic importance for us is cooperation with Shtokman Development AG, which regards the Association as the supplier network for the first phase of the Shtokman project. It is worth mentioning that both Yury Komarov, CEO of Shtokman Development AG and Herve Madeo, Deputy CEO, found it important to take part, deliver speeches and listen to presentations of Association members at the seminar on April 15, 2009. Similar events will be taking place in future as well. We get reliable information from the headquarters of SDAG, give consultations to its representatives, we have provided it with the database containing profiles of the association members. An agreement with the Shtokman Development AG has been reached that the general contractors, which will be selected for the project, are to conduct seminars for the members of the Association informing them of the coming operations, requirements for subcontractors and we intend to inform them of our capabilities. Murmanshelf is very active in developing contacts with the subsidiaries of Gazprom - Sevmornftegaz, Gazflot, Gazkomplektimpex, Giprospetsgaz. We cooperate with the Association of Russian Oil and Gas Equipment Producers, with the Russian Gas Society. Cooperation with the largest foreign companies, such as StatoilHydro, Total, Technip, Baker Hughes and many others is going on as well. Especially I would like to mention the organizational, intellectual and financial support of StatoilHydro provided at the stage of our establishment and going on now. We have established partner relations with the Norwegian supplier network Petro Arctic, with the Association of suppliers Sozvezdye in Arkhangelsk, with a respectable Norwegian organization INTSOK and with the French association GEP. Canadian companies show a great interest in our region and in Murmanshelf Association. We have received an invitation to take part in the conference in the city of St. John’s, Canada, to be held in June. For us it is a perfect opportunity to establish mutually beneficial partnership relations, to gain experience from Canadian companies – suppliers in the development of the arctic shelf of their country. As you see, it is just the beginning of the long way. There are a lot of plans, opportunities, and a lot of work to do. It’s essential that these three components should result in actual contracts for our companies. I believe in good future for us. June 2009 ¹ 2 (7) MurmanshelfInfo 21