МурманшельфИнфо. 2009, N 2 (7)
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We have worked out a plan of activities and discussed it with Dmitry Dmitrienko, Governor of the Murmansk region. We received approval and recommendation to continue the work in this area. - What is your point of view on the ways the global financial crisis affects the realization of the oil and gas projects? - No doubt, the world financial crisis has affected and will be affecting the world economy in general and execution of oil and gas projects in particular. As to the Shtokman project, there will be no changes in the schedule of the first phase, according to Yury Komarov, CEO at the Shtokman Development AG, who was delivering speech at the seminar “Presentation of the first phase of the Shtokman project. Requirements for suppliers and tender procedures” held by our Association on April 15, 2009. It will be realized in compliance with the set schedule, gas will be fed in the pipeline in 2013, the first LNG shipment for export will be done in 2014. Moreover, the global financial crisis will reduce the costs of the project due to the fall in prices for metal, equipment and its components. As for the regional companies which are supposed to take part in construction of the objects for the project, they have made cutbacks and are now optimizing their structure. This refers first of all to large enterprises. And you know, behind every large and middle construction company there are a lot of subcontractors, their long-standing partners. Under these conditions suffers everybody. That was the reason for our Association to put forward a proposal for the Murmansk Regional Government to support key enterprises of the building industry of the region. We propose to create a system of ensured distribution among them of governmental contracts and investment projects, prompt financing of the works, providing loan guarantees. As a short-term measure, for the next 1-2 years it is necessary to preserve the production potential of local construction enterprises in the run-up to the megaprojects to be realized in the region. And we see that the regional Government understands the situation. Survival of ship-repairing companies during the crisis should be paid special attention to. But in this case it is not only regional but also federal authorities that should solve the problem. - What products and services of the local suppliers will be demanded at the different stages in realization of oil and gas projects in the Murmansk region? - Not only will they be demanded, they partially are now. Our companies specializing in oil and gas research, such as Sevmorneftegeofizika, AMIGE, the Murmansk branch of Gazflot have already participated in the development of the Shtokman gas condensate field. For instance, Murmansk airline has arranged some flights to bring experts to Teriberka area. Companies that undoubtedly will be employed in the project are, first of all, building ones. A huge volume of work is to be done not far from the settlement of Teriberka, this includes building of LNG plant and port-transport complex, laying onshore pipeline. Our enterprises can count on contracts for metal structures, building, electrical mounting, assembling works and for transport services. The enterprises of the Murmanshelf Construction consortiumare ready to fulfil drillingandexplosionoperations, to do earth moving works, grinding rocks, inwashing sand, to build access roads and inside the object roads, to build piers, to do electrical works to provide temporary electrification for the period of construction, networks and communications for temporary and capital buildings. The shipyards are ready to assemble metal structures, to build pontoon piers, to repair ships engaged in the development of the deposit and to do many other things. Service companies are sure to have en enormous arena for activities. Thousands of specialists will have to be provided with board, lodging and different facilities. It’s quite natural that the level of services should be raised to correspond to the world one, otherwise under the conditions of tough competition they are unlikely to count on success.
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