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It threatens the realization of the second, third and, possibly, fourth phases of the Shtokman project, as well as the development of other oil and gas deposits of the Barents, Pechora and Kara Seas. Russia can’t always be dependant on other countries in terms of personnel and technologies. Taking it all into account, the Murmanshelf Association has worked out and intends to implement the development concept for offshore oil and gas education in the Murmansk region. Our concept implies development and realization of several stages. In 2009-2010 we expect a horizontal integration of educational establishments to take place and to form a unified system of maritime education for oil and gas personnel in the region. It is going to take two years, 2010 and 2011, to organize a branch of Gubkin University in Murmansk with a prospect of transforming it into Murmansk University of Arctic Technologies in 2017-2018. The point is to ensure a complex training of specialists in geology and geophysics; in prospecting oil and gas fields of the northern sea shelf; in drilling and subsea wells completion; in development, operation and maintenance of the offshore fields; in sea transportation of hydrocarbons (including navigators, mechanical engineers et al.); in constructing and operating natural gas liquefaction facilities, facilities for storage of hydrocarbons and their products; in managing complex offshore projects; in assessing risks and taking decisions; in economy of complex offshore projects. To achieve this objective we find it reasonable to establish a specialized educational institution here in Murmansk, where approximately 200-300 professionals of different levels and in different specialties could be trained every year. International E&P companies, partners within the first phase of the Shtokman project - Gazprom, StatoilHydro and Total - can be involved into activities aimed at foundation of the new university. Preliminary negotiations have been successfully conducted. Developers of the concept are sure that a number of other oil and gas companies as well as leading oil and gas universities will also take part in this project. The establishment of Murmansk University of Arctic Technologies is an urgent matter. Adopting resolutions concerning its establishment, construction of the building, material and technical equipment might take from 3 to 5 years. The same period of time is needed for training teachers having necessary specialization and expertise. To accelerate the process, we can do it step by step beginning with organization of the branch of the Gubkin University, gradually adding chairs and departments and, accordingly, increasing the number of students. The administration of the Gubkin University is willing to render this kind of assistance. Some of the main activities of the Arctic Training Centre for Oil and Gas Specialists can be the professional development and advanced training in subsea technologies, organization of traineeships for Russian specialists in foreign oil and gas companies, short-term courses with attraction of foreign and Russian professionals, training highly qualified teachers, transfer of international experience, assessment of needs and potential of the local labour market. Vocational School No 6 and training center of Arcticmorneftegasrazvedka (AMNGR) FSUE are able and willing to take part in activities of the Centre. Another reason for urgent establishment of the Arctic Centre is the need to provide retraining for thousands June 2009 ¹ 2 (7) MurmanshelfInfo 19
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