МурманшельфИнфо. 2009, N 2 (7)

Øòîêìàí Shtokman June 2009 ¹ 2 (7) MurmanshelfInfo 7 ПРОЕКТ РЕАЛИЗУЕМ Ïðåäûäóùèé âèçèò â Ìóðìàíñê 12 ôåâðàëÿ 2009 ãîäà ãëàâíîãî èñïîëíèòåëüíîãî äèðåêòîðà «Øòîêìàí Äåâå- ëîïìåíò Àû (ØÄÀÃ) Þðèÿ Êîìàðîâà è åãî çàÿâëåíèå î òîì, ÷òî ìèðîâîé ôèíàíñîâûé êðèçèñ íå òîëüêî íå ïî- âëèÿåò íà ñðîêè ðåàëèçàöèè Øòîêìàíîâñêîãî ïðîåêòà, íî è ïîçâîëèò óäåøåâèòü åãî ñòîèìîñòü, ïîäòâåðäèëè, ÷òî óâåëè÷åíèå ÂÂÏ Ìóðìàíñêîé îáëàñòè â 2-3 ðàçà â áëèæàéøèå ãîäû, òðóäîóñòðîéñòâî íåñêîëüêèõ òûñÿ÷ ñåâåðÿí, íàïîëíåíèå áþäæåòà ìèëëèàðäàìè ðóáëåé, ãàçèôèêàöèÿ ãîðîäîâ è ïîñåëêîâ, ïðèäàíèå âòîðîãî äûõàíèÿ ïðîìûøëåííîìó ïîòåíöèàëó îáëàñòè íå äîñó- æèå äîìûñëû, à ðåàëüíîñòü. Âûñòóïàÿ íà ñåìèíàðå, Þðèé Êîìàðîâ âíîâü ïîä- òâåðäèë íåèçìåííîñòü ñðîêîâ ïîäà÷è ãàçà â òðóáî- ïðîâîäíóþ ñèñòåìó â 2013 ãîäó è íà÷àëî ïîñòàâîê ñæèæåííîãî ïðèðîäíîãî ãàçà íà ýêñïîðò â 2014, íå- ñìîòðÿ íà êðèçèñ, óíèêàëüíóþ ñëîæíîñòü è ìàñøòàá- íîñòü ïðîåêòà. Çàïàñû ãàçà Øòîêìàíîâñêîãî ìåñòîðîæäåíèÿ ïðåâû- øàþò îòêðûòûå çàïàñû ãàçà â Íîðâåãèè. 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Èìåííî ñ ýòîé öåëüþ áûëî ïðèíÿòî ðåøåíèå î ñòðî- èòåëüñòâå íà Âûáîðãñêîì çàâîäå ñóäîâîé ïëàòôîðìû THE PROJECT IS REALIZABLE The previous visit of Yury Komarov, CEO of Shtokman Development AG (SDAG), to Murmansk on February 12, 2009 and his statement that the global financial crisis will not impact the time frame of the Shtokman project, moreover, it will reduce its costs, confirms that the two- or threefold increase of GDP of the Murmansk region in the coming years, employment of thousands of northerners, a billions of rubles increase in the regional budget, gasification of towns and settlements, new impetus to development of regional industrial facilities are not idle rumors but reality. Delivering his speech at the seminar Yury Komarov confirmed once again that the schedule of the project remains unchanged; first gas will be delivered into the pipeline system in 2013, LNG will start to be exported in 2014 despite the crisis, unique complexity and scale of the project. The gas reserves of the Shtokman field exceed the prospected gas reserves of Norway. The project is of great importance for the export strategy of Gazprom, as it enables Gazprom to enter the market of LNG suppliers and to occupy an adequate place in the global energy market. In this view Gazprom is unlikely to stop after completing the three phases of the project, it is certain to realize the fourth one, thus bringing gas production to 95 billion m 3 gas per year. Under the phase 1 SDAG plans to produce 23,7 bcmpa, or 70 million m 3 a day. 50% of the gas will be piped, 5% for gasification of the Murmansk region and the rest further on via Nord Stream to the target market of Europe, the remaining 50% will be liquefied (7,5 million tons of LNG a year). To realize the Shtokman project advanced experience and know-how will be applied. Gazprom, Total and StatoilHydro have all the capacities and desire to provide them. Today more than 800 highly qualified specialists are engaged in engineering work. 300 million dollars has already been invested in the project, and by the end of the year this figure will have risen up to 1 billion dollars. A great volume of work in prospecting has been done, field and tank simulation trials have already been conducted. All this allowed the three participants of the project to announce that the project can be realized. All the facilities to be constructed are to possess high technological reliability, that is the main reason why SDAG sets such tough requirements for the FEED developers. To cut down on costs, to ensure reasonable prices for the equipment supplied, the Shtokman Development AG creates a highly competitive environment for the suppliers. However, participation of Russian companies is one of the essential conditions. That was the purpose of taking the decision in favour of not SPAR but FPU concept for the platform. This will be based on the ice-class vessel foundation of giant dimensions - 365 m long, 50 m wide and 45 m high to be built at the Vyborg shipyard. The reason for choosing FPU concept was that Russia has no facilities for constructing SPAR platforms. The platform is to be commissioned by