МурманшельфИнфо. 2009, N 1 (6).

Голландия и Мурманская область объединяют экономический потенциал The Netherlands and Murmansk region join together their economic potential Тесное сотрудничество Королевства Нидер- ланды и Мурманской области активно развивается уже в течение двадцати лет – с тех пор, когда была учреждена организация «Города-побратимы Мур- манск - Гронинген». Укрепляются связи в различных областях экономики, социальной жизни, культуры, общественных отношений, совместно осуществля- ются различные проекты. В ноябре 2007 года «Газ- пром» и голландская компания «ГазЮни» подписали соглашение по взаимному участию в проекте «Се- верный поток». «ГазЮни» стала четвертым участни- ком проекта. Сегодня на повестке дня – вопросы всесто- роннего экономического сотрудничества в рамках крупных инвестиционных проектов на территории Кольского полуострова. Close cooperation between Kingdom of the Netherlands and the Murmansk region has been actively developing for the last twenty years – since the moment when Murmansk and Groningen became twin cities. The links in different fields of economy, social life, culture have been strengthening, joint projects have been implemented. Today high on the agenda is the topic of comprehensive economic cooperation within the large investment projects on the Kola Peninsula. The new impetus for development of contacts between Russia and Holland was given when Gazprom and N.V. Nederlandse Gasunie signed an agreement in November 2007 on mutual participation in the Nord Stream Project. Gasunie became the forth member of the project. For the Netherlands being the main crossing of shipping lanes in Europe, Murmansk is a port, via which the routes of the Northern Transport Corridor will go from Europe to Asia. Murmansk is the start point of hydrocarbon transportation and the end point for European supplies to oil and gas projects in the Arctic Ocean. In autumn 2008 the delegation of the Murmansk region headed by Mr. Yuri Evdokimov, the Governor of Murmansk region visited Holland. There was a meeting held with Mr. Frank Heemskerk, the Dutch Minister of Foreign Trade within the Economic Affairs. At the meeting the development of economic cooperation between the Netherlands and the Murmansk region was discussed. There were negotiations conducted with the leadership of Groningen municipality, GasTerra and Gasunie – two leading Dutch companies playing significant role in the European energy market, as well as enterprises specializing in construction and operation of wind driven power plants. In February 2009 Mr. Anthony M. van der Togt, The Consul General of the Netherlands in Saint Petersburg Ðóêîâîäèòåëü äåïàðòàìåíòà ïî ñâÿçÿì ñ ãîñóäàðñòâåííûìè ñòðóêòóðàìè êîìïàíèè «ÃàçÒåððà» Ãååðò Ãðåâèíã (ñïðàâà) è ñîâåòíèê êîìïàíèè «ÃàçÞíè» Õåëüìåð Õîðëèíãñ íà ïåðå- ãîâîðàõ â Àññîöèàöèè ïîñòàâùèêîâ íåôòåãàçîâîé ïðîìûø- ëåííîñòè «Ìóðìàíøåëüô». Geert Greving (on the right), Chairman, Head Public Affairs GasTerra and Mr. Helmer Horlings Adviser Business Development Russia having a meeting in Murmanshelf Association 30 ìàðò 2009 ¹ 1 (6) ÌóðìàíøåëüôÈíôî