МурманшельфИнфо. 2009, N 1 (6).

Беречь Арктику по-хозяйски Tomanage theArctic carefully Из выступления председателя Комитета по делам Се- вера и малочисленных народов Совета Федерации Федерального Собрания РФ Геннадия Олейника на за- седании «круглого стола» 27 ноября 2008 года Одним из основных национальных интересов Рос- сии в Арктике является сбережение ее уникальной экологической системы. Правительством разраба- тывается план реализации утвержденных Советом безопасности «Основ государственной политики в Арктике на период до 2020 года и дальнейшую перспективу». К работе над реализацией арктиче- ской политики государства вплотную приступили и сенаторы России. Çà ïðîøåäøèå äåñÿòèëåòèÿ îñâîåíèÿ Àðêòèêè íà åå òåððèòîðèè íàêîïèëàñü îãðîìíàÿ ìàññà ðàçíîîáðàçíûõ îòõîäîâ ÷åëîâå÷åñêîé äåÿòåëüíîñòè, îáúåìû êîòîðûõ óâåëè÷èâàþòñÿ áûñòðûìè òåìïàìè ñ ðîñòîì ýêîíîìèêè è ñîöèàëüíîé ñôåðû â Àðêòè÷åñêîé çîíå. Àíàëèç ïî- ñòóïèâøèõ ìàòåðèàëîâ ïîêàçûâàåò äîñòàòî÷íî òðåâîæ- íóþ êàðòèíó: íà ìíîãèõ òåððèòîðèÿõ ïîëîæåíèå ñ òî÷êè çðåíèÿ òåõíîãåííûõ çàãðÿçíåíèé è èõ âîçäåéñòâèÿ íà îêðóæàþùóþ ñðåäó ñëîæèëîñü êðèòè÷åñêîå, âíèìàíèÿ ýòîé ïðîáëåìå óäåëÿåòñÿ íåäîñòàòî÷íî, îòìå÷àþòñÿ ìíîãî÷èñëåííûå íàðóøåíèÿ äåéñòâóþùèõ ýêîëîãè÷å- ñêèõ íîðì êàê ñî ñòîðîíû õîçÿéñòâóþùèõ ñóáúåêòîâ, òàê è ïðèðîäîîõðàííûõ ñëóæá. Îñîáóþ òðåâîãó âûçûâàåò îïàñíîñòü ðàäèîàêòèâ- íûõ çàãðÿçíåíèé è ñîñòîÿíèå ïðèáðåæíûõ âîä.  àðêòè- ÷åñêèõ ìîðÿõ çàòîïëåíû êîíòåéíåðû ñ ðàäèîàêòèâíûìè îòõîäàìè, à òàêæå àòîìíûå ðåàêòîðû, ñíÿòûå ñ ïîäâîä- íûõ ëîäîê. Îñîáåííî ìíîãî ðàäèàöèîííûõ îòõîäîâ çà- òîïëåíî â Êàðñêîì ìîðå. For the past decades of exploration activities in the Arctic there have been huge amounts of various human activities waste products accumulated in this region and these amounts are growing at a rapid pace following the economic and social growth in the Arctic zone. Analysis of incoming information provides an alarming picture: in many territories the state of environment in terms of anthropogenic pollution and its impact is critical. However, the attention focused on this problem is insufficient. There are evidences of numerous violation cases of the current environmental standards both by economic agents and by nature conservation authorities. Risks of radioactive contamination and state of coastal waters trigger considerable concern. There are containers with radioactive waste, as well as atomic reactors taken from the submarines sunk in arctic seas. Especially much radioactive waste is dumped in the Kara Sea. Analysis of the surface waters’ quality in the arctic regions of the Russian Federation has indicated their pollution with oil products, phenols, heavy metal compounds, nitrogen, as well as other pollutants, being delivered together with industrial, communal sewage and surface run-off waters from the spillways and road networks. The Northern Fleet alone discharges approximately 10 mln cubic meters of untreated wastewaters per annum, up to 200 thousand cubic meters of which are dumped from the vessels to the aquatic area. Activities of the Plesetsk space launching site arouse a lot of questions and complaints. So far the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation has not taken exhaustive measures to eliminate impacts of heptyl burning missile launch on health of northerners living close to the drop field. Locations of the plants incorporated into the Norilsk Nickel JSC, as well as gold, uranium, nonferrous metal mines have high level of contamination. Norilsk is in the top ten list of the world’s most polluted cities. There is major land pollution registered, especially in the areas of oil and gas production. A lot of pollutants are emitted into the atmosphere in result of associated gas combustion. Practically all over the Arctic one can meet abandoned engineering structures, used-up machinery, tare, including millions of steel barrels, many of which contain remains of fuel and other hazardous chemical substances. Those, who have been close to the sea and river ports, could see numerous half-sunk ships abandoned and becoming rusty One of the major Russian national interests in the Arctic is preservation of its unique ecosystem. The Government is developing an implementation plan for the Fundamentals of the public policy in the Arctic for the period up to 2020 and in future adopted by the Security Council. Russian senators have also set in motion realization of the Arctic policy. From the statement of Mr. Gennady Oleinik, Chairman, the Committee on the Northern Territories and Indigenous Minorities of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, at the round table meeting on November 27, 2008 ìàðò 2009 ¹ 1 (6) ÌóðìàíøåëüôÈíôî 9