Мурманская МИЛЯ. 2018 г. №4.
EXPLORATIONS are characterized by a range of factors iden tifying them as containing gas saturated de posits which, in turn, suggest that the section probably includes high pressure zones (ab normally high pore pressure - AHPP). Thus, for safer penetration of the upper borehole, when choosing the project coordinates of drilling rig position it is recommended to ex clude faulting areas and minimize the number of contacts with anomalous high amplitude zones in vertical direction on the drilling site. Conclusion Over the past few years JSC MAGE has developed and implemented new techno logies in the field of marine geological ex ploration thereby indicating a new vector of development in the Russian geophysics. For the first time ever it has become pos sible to cross the North Pole with the whole range of geophysical studies (CMP reflection seismic survey, seismic refraction technique, gravity measurements, side-scan sonar sounding) and obtain new information on the structure of the central deep part of the Arc tic Ocean due to the use of the under-ice seismic technology developed by JSC MAGE. The use of the 4C technology with bot tom systems provides a gradual transition to multicomponent seismic studies. The recent ly made single technology cluster of seismic surveys on the shelf, in the transit zone and onshore with high quality seismic dataset al lows performing a seamless survey of the most promising sections of the Russian shelf. The use of high and ultra-high resolution seismic for detailed breakdown of the near surface section with a view to detecting gas lenses and gas hydrate deposits as well as forecasting shallow gas clusters in the near surface section provides a reliable and effec tive basis for the development of offshore oil and gas fields. Reference 1. S.P. Alekseyev. Shipboard hydrog ra ph ic studies in the Central A rc tic Basin with a view to justify ing the ou te r lim it o f the continen ta l s h e lf o f Russia / S.P. Alekseyev, I.F. Glumov, A.A. Ledovskikh et.al . / / P ro ceedings o f the scien tific conference a t the 14th Congress o f the Russian Geographical Society, December, 11-14, 2010, Saint Pe tersburg. Issued b y the Russian Geographi c a l Society, Saint Petersburg, 2010. Pages 101-110. 2. B. V. Zaporozhets. Seismic survey tech nologies in shallow water areas with XZone equipment / B.V. Zaporozhets, A.L. Krutov, I V. Leontyev / / Devices and systems o f ex ploration geophysics. No. 1, 2015. 3. A.G. Kazanin. Innovative technologies in engineering and geological studies on the A rctic Shelf o f Russia / A. G. Kazanin, G. S. Kazanin, G.I. Ivanov, M.V. Sarkisyan / / Jour na l o f the Russian Gas Society. No. 3, 2016. P. 13-18. 4. G.S. Kazanin. Geophysical surveys in the North Pole area / G.S. Kazanin, I.V. Zay ats, G.I. Ivanov, Ye.S. Makarov, A.S. Vasilyev / / FSBI VNIIOkeangeologia. Vol. 56, No. 2, 2016. P. 333-335. 5. G.S. Kazanin. Innovative technologies as the basis o f JSC MAGE stable develop ment / G.S. Kazanin, G.I. Ivanov / / Razved- kaiokhrananedr [Subsoil Resources Exploration and Protection]. No. 4, 2014. P. 3-7. 6. G.S. Kazanin. Innovative technologies o f JSC MAGE as a potential fo r increasing the m ineral resources base o f the Russian Arctic Shelf / G.S. Kazanin, G.I. Ivanov, I.V. Zayats, A.G. Kazanin, Ye.S. Makarov, S.I. Shkarubo, S.P. Pavlov, S.A. Nechkhayev / / Razved- kaiokhrananedr [Subsoil Resources Explora tion and Protection], No. 9, 2016. P. 56-64. 7. G.S. Kazanin. “ The A rc tic -2014 ” - in tegrated geophysical expedition to the North Pole / G.S. Kazanin, G.I. Ivanov, Ye.S. Ma karov / / Scientific and technical issues o f the A rctic development. Russian Academy o f Sciences, 2015. P. 162-165. 8. G. S. Kazanin. Innovative technology o f under-ice survey / G.S. Kazanin, A.S. Ma karov, A.S. Vasilyev, A.N. Prudnikov, G.I. Ivanov / / OH. Gas. Innovations. No. 2, 2015. Pages 21-24. 9. G.S. Kazanin. The RV GEOFIZIK: the new engineering and geological system / G.S. Kazanin, A.S. Makarov, G.I. Ivanov, M. V Sarkisyan / / Oil. Gas. Innovations. No. 1 (183), 2016. P. 60-64. 10. O.M. Kurnosova. Forecasting o f shal low gas clusters in the near-surface section a t the deposits o f the Kirinsky license b lo c k / O.M. Kurnosova, I.V. Yakovlev, S.V. Zinovkin / / Development o f o il and gas resources o f the Russian shelf: the A rctic and the Far East (ROOGD-2014): abstracts o f the 5th Interna tional Conference. Gazprom VNHGAZ, Mos cow, 2014. P. 34-36. 11. Yu. I. Matveyev. Innovative technolo gies o f geological survey fo r o il and gas in transit zones / Yu. I. Matveyev, S.A. Nech khayev, G.I. Ivanov, M.L. Verba / / Oil and gas-2004 Conference. Sub-forum 2. Ge- ologiya, Murmansk, 2004. 12. M. Yu. Shkatov. The firs t Russian well a t the bottom o f the A rctic Ocean / M. Yu. Shkatov, G.I. Ivanov / / FSBI VNIIOkeanolo gia. Vol. 53, No. 4, 2013. P. 569-572. MURMANSK MILE • 4-2018
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