Мурманская МИЛЯ. 2018 г. №4.

EXPLORATIONS 46 I N N O V A T I V E V E C T O R O F D E V E L O P M E N T O F TH E R U S S IA N M A R IN E G E O P H Y S IC S KAZANIN G.S., IVANOV G.I., KAZANIN A.G. (JSC MAGE, Murmansk, Moscow, St. Petersburg) The article covers new technologies in the field of marine geological exploration that assign a new vector of development in the Russian geophysics. Over the past few years JSC MAGE has developed and implemented the innovative technologies including under-ice seismic survey, multicomponent seismic studies in transit zones and geophysical works during engineering and geological surveys. Due to the use of the under-ice seismic technology developed by JSC MAGE for the first time ever it has become possible to cross the North Pole with the full range of geophysical studies (CMP reflection seismic, refraction seismic technique, gravity meas­ urements, side-scan sonar sounding) and acquire new data on the structure of the cen­ tral deep part of the Arctic Ocean. The use of the 4C technology with bot­ tom recorders provides a gradual transition to multicomponent seismic studies. The recently made single technology cluster of seismic sur­ veys on the shelf, transit zone and onshore with high quality seismic dataset allows performing a seamless survey of the most promising sec­ tions of the Russian Shelf. The use of high and ultra-high resolution seismic survey for detailed breakdown of the near-surface section with a view to detecting gas lenses and gas hydrate deposits as well as forecasting shallow gas clusters in the near-surface section provides a reliable and effective basis for the development of offshore oil and gas fields. Introduction JSC Marine Arctic Geological Expedition, which celebrated its 45th anniversary last year, occupies a special place in the his­ tory of the Russian Arctic Shelf exploration. Its establishment in 1972 in Murmansk laid the foundation of a systematic study of the geology of the Barents and Kara seas which subsequently culminated in the discovery of the richest West Arctic petroleum mega­ province. The first seismic and gravity and magnetic surveys in 1973-1978 outlined the largest sedimentary basins: the East Barents megatrough and the South Kara syneclise, which now determine the region’s high po­ tential. It is due to innovations and introduction of the most up-to-date technologies that our Company survived the ominous 90-s and is developing now despite extremely compli­ cated financial, economic, organizational and legal environment of the industry within the latest 25 years. Today JSC MAGE is a modern, dynamical­ ly developing company that provides a wide range of geological and geophysical services for studying the structure of the shelf seas as well as transit and coastal zones of the Arctic and the World Ocean in compliance with the international quality and HSE stand­ ards. With the use of innovative technologies JSC MAGE has achieved some success in geological exploration for oil and gas on the Arctic Shelf over recent years [6]. Today, when it comes to the competitiveness of the Russian maritime geophysics, we can safely call JSC MAGE as a clear illustration of this (performing research at the modern scientific and methodological level in the most difficult climatic conditions of the Arctic) [5]. In this article we will focus on the Arctic Shelf of Russia and those technologies that demon­ strate the innovative vector of development of MURMANSK MILE • 4-2018