Мурманская МИЛЯ. 2018 г. №4.

EXPLORATIONS Fig. 2 Remotely operated vehicle (ROV) Sperre SUB -fighter 15k Рис. 2. Телеуправляемый необитаемый подводный аппарат Sperre SUB -figh ter 15k • nondestructive testing (NDT) of underwa­ ter pipelines welds; • objects recovery from seabed; • drill support with following tools: wellhead cleaning tool, grinder, fluid injection pump etc. Conclusion 44 The results of surveys recently performed with the use of high resolution seismic technique demonstrate its high efficiency and informative­ ness for the detailed identification of different types of rock units of the section upper part in order to identify gas lenses and gas hydrates accumulations. There have been explored the license areas of Gazprom and Rosneft in the Sea of Okhotsk and in the Kara Sea. According to the high resolution seismic survey data there is some gas content in the section observed which causes increased amplitude anomalies. Identified zones are specified by a series of features equalizing them with effective gas deposits which in their turn show the abnormally high reservoir pressure zones probability. Thus for the more safe penetration through the upper wellbore it is recommended to exclude faulting sec­ tors when choosing project coordinates of a drilling platform location and to minimize the number of contacts with abnormal zones of increased amplitudes vertically in the drilling site. The ROV subsea operations performed in the Sea of Okhotsk demonstrated its high ef­ ficiency for monitoring of underwater pipelines, abandoned and suspended wells and assess­ ment of underwater assets of the Kirinskoye gas condensate field. Today JSC MAGE means integrated en­ gineering exploration (high resolution seismic survey, ultra-high resolution seismic survey, multicomponent continuous seismoacoustic profiling, magnetometer surveys, CPT sound­ ing, bottom sampling, hydrophysical sounding, ROV survey) with application of the most mod­ ern equipment using innovative technologies. For the first time engineering exploration on the Russian continental shelf has involved the techniques of high resolution and ultra-high resolution seismic surveys using equipment produced in Russia. Reference 1 Zaporozhets B. V Seism ic techniques in shallow zones using XZone equipment / Zaporozhets B.V., K rutov A.L., Leontyev I.V / / Priboryisistemyrazvedochnoygeofiziki [Instru ­ ments and Systems o f Surveying Geophysics], - 2015. - No 1. 2. Ivanov G.I. Marine Geophysics a t the modern stage / Ivanov G.I. / / Neftgaznovatsii [O il. Gas. Innovations.] - 2014. - No 1. - p. 28-30. 3. Ivanov G.I. Endogenous sources o f o il hydrocarbon inflow into the near-bottom eco­ system and the ir exploration techniques. / G.I. Ivanov, M.A. Kholmyansky, M.Yu. Shkatov, G.S. Kazanin, S.P. Pavlov / / Proceedings o f M ining Academy - 2013 - Vol. 201. - P. 253-261. 4. Kazanin G.S. JSC MAGE innovative tech­ nologies - the potentia l fo r strengthening the m ineral resources o f the A rctic Shelf o f Russia. / Kazanin G .S , Ivanov G .I, Zayats I.V , Kaza­ nin A.G., Makarov Ye.S, Shkarubo S .I, Pavlov S .P , Nekhchayev S .A .// Razvedkaiohrananedr [Exploration and p ro tection o f m ineral re ­ sources]. - 2016. - No 9. - P. 56-64. 5. Kazanin G.S. Innovative technologies - the basis o f JSC MAGE steady developm ent / Kazanin G .S , Ivanov G.I. / / Razvedkai­ ohrananedr [Exploration and protection o f m i­ neral resources], - 2014. - No 4. - P. 3-7. 6. Kurnosova O.M. Forcasting shallow gas accumulations in the section upper p a rt in the fields o f the Kirinskoye LB / Kurnosova O .M , Yakovlev I. V, Zinovkin S.V / / Development o f oil-and-gas resources on the Russian Shelf: A rctic and Far East (ROOGD-2014): abstracts fo r 5th Internat. C onf - Moscow: Gazprom VNIIGAZ LLC, 2014. - P.34-36. 7. Pavlov S.P. High resolution seism ic on the she lf o f the Russian A rctic seas / S.P. Pav­ lov, Kazanin G .S , Zayats IV , Makarov Ye.S., Ivanov G .I.// Proceedings o f the International conference and exhibition Offshore Marintec Russia - 2014, S t Petersburg — St. Peters­ burg: KhlMIZDAT, 2014. MURMANSK MILE • 4-2018