Мурманская МИЛЯ. 2018 г. №4.

EXPLORATIONS j|«niiQi ч р с П- Fig. 5. The Romanov swell. Рис. 5. Вал Романовых. According to the phase consistence it is sup­ posed that gas resources prevail over oil. 2D evaluation of resources was conducted for the first detected most significant local traps only, namely: the Akhmatovoy, Tsvetayevoy, Aleksandrovskaya, Nikolayevskaya and Alek- seevskaya ones, roughly detected traps and disclosures were not taken into account. As a result localized forecast resources within the limits of detected highs account for 128 mil­ lion TOE. Conclusion The sedimentary cover has been explored to the depth of 11.5 km. Seismostratigraph- ic sequences including the lower Carbon­ iferous to Quaternary deposits have been detected. The basin sedimentary cover is adjacent to the Amerasian deep water sedimentation basin and may be considered as its’ con­ tinental wing forming an ensemble of con­ tinental geological structures united by common history of geological development and synoceanic structural and material trans­ formation of the continental crust. Modern structural geometry has been formed as a result of neotectonicmersion of internal ocean area and differential subsid­ ence of consedimentation highs of the early oceanic stage. In addition the earlier formed structure of the sedimentary cover probably hasn’t changed sufficiently. Integrated geophysical surveys performed at the East Siberian continental margin al­ lowed sufficiently update the boundaries and size of main structural elements. The forecast geological oil-and-gas re­ sources of the East Siberian Sea continen­ tal margin account for 0.45 billion TOE per D2 category. The correlation of forecast oil and gas resources (percentage) for the ex­ ploration area is 64 to 36%. 20 local anticline highs have been mapped. According to the D2loc assessment potential resources ac­ count for 128 million TOE. Reference 1. Barabanova Yu. B. East Siberian Sea continental margin: geological structure and petroleum potential. Proceedings o f the In- teranational Research-to-Practice Confer­ ence GeoSochi-2017. Petroleum Geophysics and Geology», 2017, p. 104-107. 2. Ivanov V.L., Kaminsky V.D., Poselov V.A., Suprunenko O .I, Sm irnov O.Ye. Background o f petroleum potentia l o f extended legal shelf o f the Russian Federation in the A rctic Ocean //A rktikaekologiyaiekonom ika [The A rctic re ­ gion: ecology and economy], 2016, No 2, p. 14-23. 3. Kazanin G.S, Zayats I.V, Ivanov G.I., Makarov Ye.S., Vasilev A.S. Integrated ge ­ ophysical exploration in the North P o le // Okeanologiya [Oceanology], 2016, No 2, p.344-349. 4. Kazanin G.S, Zayats I.V, Pavlov S.P. Shkarubo S.I, Makarov Ye.S., Katsanyuk V.A., Zhuravlev V.A, Vasilev A .S , Kuznetsov A.V., Kirillova-Pokrovskaya T.A, Kadysh T I , Dy­ achenko A.B. JSC MAGE integrated geo­ physical survey a t the Lomonosov ridge. Proceedings o f the conference EAGO, Sochi, 2010. 5. Kazanin G .S, Trofimov V.A, Vasilev A.I., Kirillova-Pokrovskaya T.A, Chelyshev S.V., Barabanova Yu.B. A real integrated geophysi­ ca l survey o f the New Siberian Archipelago continental margin». Proceedings o f the con­ ference EAGO, Kaliningrad, 2014. 6. Poselov V.A, Butsenko V V , Zholondz S .M , Zholondz A.V., Kireev A.A. Seis- mostratigraphy o f sedimentary basin o f the Podvodnikov basin and North Chukchi trough / / DAN, [Reports o f the Academy o f Scienc­ es], 2017, volume 474, No 5, p. 1-5. 7. Jokat W The sedimentary structure o f the Lomonosov Ridge between 88° N and 80° N. Geophysical Journal Int., 2005, v. 163, p. 698-726. 8. Kazanin G .S, Ivanov G.I., Verba M.L., Kirillova-Pokrovskaya T.A. (2016). The tec­ tonic map o f the East Siberian Sea: the un­ disturbed paleozoic cover (according to the data a cqu ire d b y MAGE) Paper Number: 676. A b s tra c t 35th In te rna tiona l Geologi­ ca l Congress, Cape Town, South Africa. ( h ttp ://w w w .am e ric a n g e o s c ie n c e s . o rg /in ­ fo rm a tion /igc). MURMANSK MILE • 4-2018